The House of Dudley - AUSTRALIA

Welcome to The House of Dudley - AUSTRALIA

My name is Steven Dudley and I started this site a few years ago and have been working on it off and on since then.My little twig on our family tree was established on the 6th July 1985 with the marriage of Steven Ronald Dudley, son of Barry and Marilyn to Sharan Ann McDowell daughter of John and Doreen. Later we were joined by our five children, Rebecca, Jason, Nicholas, Lauren and her twin Isabelle, who died before she had a chance to live (RIP Little Angel). Sharan spent a lot of the first 23 odd years of marriage bringing up the children on her own whilst I was serving overseas or in various parts of the country with the Australian Army. Our family lived in many places including Brisbane, Townsville, Toowoomba, Melbourne and finally we have settled in Highfields Queensland on the beautiful Great Dividing Range.This website was created to help in the research of our family tree and history. I became interested in our family history many years ago, but seemed to hit a brick wall and was unable to progress any further, however, with use of the internet and many great sites, I have been able to progress little by little and add a twig here and a branch there. If you can offer anything to the site please click here to contact me.The main names being researched are DUDLEY, McDOWELL, FOLEY, FAY, BERGER, and ENDRES. Other smaller branch names are also being looked into.

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