Hemmer/Fournie/Shaffer/Droste Families Web Site

Welcome to Hemmer/Fournie/Shaffer/Droste Families Web Site

My name is Paul Hemmer, I'm a child of Jim and Joan Hemmer. I have started "OUR" family tree on this website. I hope that this will be a collabrative effort amongst all of my relatives. There are already over 1400 names in my family tree. Granted alot of these might not be your relatives but please feel free to add your family line on to this website.The more information that you add to the site, the better it will be for everyone. The site also uses what they call "Smart Matches". This is when another family tree looks like it might be a  match to yours/ours. It's very cool when this happens. It then sends an email for you to confirm this match. The site is a little difficult to use at first, but please play with it. Thats the easiest way to learn it. You can't really do damage unless you start deleting. Once again the more information (i.e. birthdays, birth place, childern, grand childern etc.) the better the site will be. If you add their email address they become a member and can view and edit the site.You can also print just your families family tree or send away for a huge one. If you have any questions, please e mail me at: paulhemmer@gmail.comSincerlly,Paul Hemmer

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