The Ong Beng Ho Family Web Site

Welcome to The Ong Beng Ho Family Web Site

My name is Stanie Lim, you may know me as Ah Fei. Bee Lan and I wanted to make sure we stay united and connected after our most recent meet-up, so we went around collecting your personal info and started this site to commemorate our beloved grandparents/great grandparents. Remember: "Your Friends are great, but Family is blood, and blood is thicker than water". All of us will always be busy pursuing our own careers, studies & dreams, but let's make time to know and remember our rich heritage. More importantly, let's continue the great habit of meeting up regularly with members of our families and relatives, especially during CNY. The current set of photos of yourself may be outdated, but do upload your own recent photos and your personal info like DOB, so that we are kept abreast of important family events :) This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos.

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