Johnson-Turner-Parent Web Site

Welcome to Johnson-Turner-Parent Web Site

My name is Dennis Johnson and I started this site.This site was created using This is a great system that allows anyone like you and me to create a private site for their family, build their family tree and share family photos. I totally appreciate all the assisstance  my newfound "cousins" have provided.maybe someday  we will meet.meanwhile have a great time enjoying your hobby! I now have several pages of family to add -thanks to Giselle and Roger Parent of the Assosiation of Parent families of America-AFPA.I am also expecting to visit I'le d'orleans to connect with a totally historic portion of the family treeIt is also possible that Scandinavian ancestors were Vikings and even more interesting is the fact they founded Dublin Ireland and Normandy France (home of the north men)  and also home of many of my ancestors

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