Gieseke and Atkins Web Site

Welcome to Gieseke and Atkins Web Site

My name is Don Gieseke,  my wife Linda Atkins Gieseke and I started this site.   As kids,  we didn't really know alot of our Family Heritage,  and now that most of our family are deceased, all we have are alot of family photos and not much information.  So we decided to do research on our own and with help from family members still with us, myHeritage account and the great world of the internet we've been able to uncover alot of our history.Linda will be entering in family information to the site, as we discover and are sure there is a family connection. So if any of you have old photos, more information or corrections ...please email us,  and Linda will enter them in our family We hope you enjoy information and facts about our families.Don and Linda

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