Lowe Web Site

Welcome to Lowe Web Site

Hi, it's Gary and I hope you enjoy the website. If you have any comments, corrections, photos for the site, please click the "Contact" link above to contact me. Also since the tree is filling up, I've created another site called "Lowe Ancestors" to just keep the info about George Austin Lowe & Maggie McCoy and the relations prior to them. I'll be deleting that info from this site. If you would like to get access to the "Lowe Ancestors" site, please send me a message through the Contact link and I'll send you an email on how to connect to it. I also use another site called "FamilySearch" which is free (just have to create a userid and password) which is connected to everyone. This is only used for deceased family members to find old connections. Here is a link to it:https://www.familysearch.org/en/

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