List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Living in Iowa
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List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Living in Iowa
سوابق 786
List of Ex-Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Living in Iowa. William L. Alexander. (1886) 2007. Tracking migrating ancestors is often an exercise in frustration. One tool often used is tracking neighbors, an infrequently used, but often successful tool is tracking military service.<br><br> This volume authorized by the Iowa General Assembly in 1884, lists U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps veterans of the War of 1812, the Black Hawk and Mexican wars, and the War of the Rebellion. Although directed to place individuals in alphabetical order, the editor chose to list those serving in the War of the Rebellion and the Mexican War, by the state and unit in which they enlisted and served and alphabetically thereunder. The state unit in which they served is noted for those with War of 1812 service. This allows the researcher not only to identify the state of origin of his ancestor or a collateral relative, but the names of other individuals who served with him. While almost 17,000 of the those listed were from Iowa, 3200 were from Ohio, 1600 from Pennsylvania, 1700 from New York and 14 were from Colorado. Information collected included, the rank, company, regiment, battery or vessel in which they served and the present residence. Occasional footnotes indicate instate moves between the date of information collection and publication.
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