Crown Land Licences Victoria 1853
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Crown Land Licences Victoria 1853
سوابق 29
Crown Land Licences Victoria 1853. 1853. This publication lists the occupants of crown land licenses for the year 1852, and it was presented to Parliament in 1853. It is arranged by district including Gipps&apos; Land, Murray, Portland Bay, Western Port and Wimmera.<br><br> Although this is not a large book, there a literally thousands of persons names listed in this publication ... a very important historical and genealogical source.</p><p>The information given (where recorded)&nbsp; includes:</p><ul><li>name of licensee</li><li>name of run</li><li>quantity of land in each station</li><li>number of licenses charged for each station</li><li>license fee</li><li>amount of stock - broken down by horses, cattle and sheep</li></ul>
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