North Carolina, Wake County Deaths
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North Carolina, Wake County Deaths
سوابق 274,612
This collection contains death records from Wake County, North Carolina, United States, from the year 1909 onwards. Records typically include the name of the deceased, and the date of death.<br><br>
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پروندۀ نمونه
Alice Willson BroughtonDied: Aug 15 1980 - Wake, North Carolina, United States
Alice Harper Willson Broughton was an American civic leader who served as the First Lady of North Carolina from 1941 to 1945 as the wife of Governor J. Melville Broughton. The couple were the first governor and first lady from Wake County to live in the North Carolina Executive Mansion. During World War II she was active in the war effort, promoting victory gardens across the state and establishing one at the governor's mansion, christening liberty ships, and donating rubber to the armed forces.