England and Wales, Hearth Tax, 1662-1674
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England and Wales, Hearth Tax, 1662-1674
284,675 records
This collection contains hearth tax records from England and Wales, between the years 1662 and 1674. This collection includes records from the following counties: Cheshire, Durham, Essex, Gloucestershire, Kent, Middlesex (including London), Norfolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwickshire, Westmorland, Yorkshire, and Pembrokeshire.<br>Records typically include the name of the head of the household and the date and place of residence.<br><br>The Hearth Tax started in 1662 in England and Wales to supply funds to the new monarchy of King Charles II. It was occasionally referred to as “chimney money” because the tax was based on the number of fireplaces in a household.<br>The Hearth tax was paid in two equal installments on the quarter days of Michaelmas on the 29th of September, and Lady Day on the 25th of March. Certain households were exempt from paying the tax, such as those already paying taxes to the church and those who were poor or because of the “smallness of estate.”<br><br>The records in this collection were made public by the Universities of Graz and Roehampton.
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