Maine, Court Registrations
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Soek in Maine, Court Registrations
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Proeftydperk Verhoor
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Maine, Court Registrations
49,730 rekords
This collection contains court registrations from Maine, United States between the years 1696 and 1854. Records typically include the names of the plaintiff and defendant, the date of the session, the court, and cause of action.<br><br>It is important to note that Maine was admitted to the United States union only in 1820. Prior to that, it was regarded as a district of Massachusetts.
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William KingTrial: May 1843 – Kennebec County Supreme Judicial Court
William King was an American merchant, shipbuilder, army officer, and statesman from Bath, Maine. A proponent of statehood for Maine, he became its first governor when it separated from Massachusetts in 1820. Despite a very limited education, King became the largest merchant shipping owner in Maine, and a significant real-estate investor.