1891 Scotland Census
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1891 Scotland Census
سوابق 4,015,677
The Scotland Census of 1891 was taken on 5 April 1891. Information listed in these records includes: name, gender, age, year and place of birth, year and place of residence, relation to head of household, marital status and occupation.<br><br><p>Census records were collected according to a national program and were taken in the same manner throughout Scotland. The records were subsequently preserved centrally and survive as a robust record of the nineteenth century from 1841 to 1901.</p><br><p>This census was collected and organized around enumeration districts and sub-districts. Enumeration districts correspond to parishes -- with some exceptions. The place of residence is often broken down into the name of street, house name or number, county, and parish.</p>
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Bertie Charles ForbesResidence: New Deer, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Bertie Charles Forbes was a Scottish-American financial journalist and author who founded Forbes magazine