Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Search in Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
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Germany, Hesse Birth Index, 1874-1911
سوابق 3,784,842
This collection includes birth records from several communities that are within the state of today’s Hesse Germany. When the information is available a record will include the child’s given name, the date of a birth, and sex. Information about the mother includes given name, maiden name, last name, address and spouse. Information is also provided about the informant. An informant was often the father of the child or a midwife.<br><br>Dated from October 1874, state appointed registrars of birth records of all inhabitants of Prussia, which include many of the communities in this collection. Civil Registry records from Hessian communities that were not part of Prussia begin as early as January 1876. While churches continued to keep traditional records, the State also mandated that the personal or marital status of the entire population be recorded. These records were indexed and made searchable by MyHeritage.
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Heinrich WerléBorn: May 2 1887
A German musician that directed music and went on to work as a choir director, organist and music critic.