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Record image of Lucia Albisu

Lucia Albisu, 1914 - 2009

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Lucia Albisu was born on October 6 1914.
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Lucia lived in Hialeah, Florida 33012, USA.
Lucia passed away on January 6 2009, at age 94.
Lucia Dolores Benita Ayani Albisu was born on month day 1860.
Lucia was baptized on month day 1860, in baptism place.
Lucia had 3 sisters: Ynes Fructuosa Laura Ayani Albisu and 2 other siblings.
Record image of Lucia Albisu (born Mugica)

Lucia Albisu (born Mugica)

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Lucia Albisu (born Mugica) married Francisco Albisu.
They had one son: Gabriel Albisu.
Record image of Lucia Albisu

Lucia Albisu

Spain, Vitoria Diocese, Index of Baptisms, 1535-1903
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Lucia Albisu was baptized in 1592, in baptism place.
Record image of Lucia Albisu

Lucia Albisu

Florida, Divorces, 1970 - 1999
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Miguel Angel Albisu married Lucia Albisu.
They divorced on month day 1981, in divorce place, Florida.
Record image of Lucia Albisu

Lucia Albisu, born 1879

Argentina, Baptisms, 1645-1930
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Juan Bernardino Mendia was born on month day 1879.
Juan was baptized on month day 1879, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Juan lived in 1879, in address.
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