Henderson Web Site

Welcome to Henderson Web Site

My name is Lorna Henderson and I am the Webmaster of this site.This site was created using MyHeritage.com.I mainly use this site for DNA these days, but keep several trees here, all in general less regularly updated than those on  my own webpages.Should you be a descendant of any of the people shown in either of my trees LornaHenMainTree or LornaFishing, you may be eligible to join my autosomal DNA project http://FamilyTreeDNA.com/public/FFLornaHen by either uploading your DNA test to FamilyTreeDNA (or ordering a FamilyFinder test from FTDNA, which can then be transferred to here for free - with a one-off fee to unlock the impressive DNA tools this site offers).The tree LornaFishing consists of families that have been proven to have a dna connection to my family. Exactly where is still being explored, and I would love to hear from any descendants of anyone shown in this tree who has tested with any of FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry or 23andme who may be able to help pin down specific branches of the tree as the connection. A version of LornaFishing is also on Ancestry and Worldconnect, but the trees may not be anywhere near in synch.All DNA tests help complete the wonderful jigsaw such results provide. Please review your DNA settings and make sure you have tickedAllow DNA Matches to view shared DNA segments and download shared DNA segment dataas without this set your matches cannot use the more powerful DNA tools MyHeritage offers to help you figure out more about where you and they connect (eg mapping chromosomes and the MyH triangulations). For mapping, see DNAPainterTo track my progress in solving puzzles, check my WikiTree brickwall pages https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Henderson-2297Help such progress by uploading your atDNA file to GEDMatch.com for consistent comparisons across companies, including MyHeritage.If you have any comments or feedback about this site, you are best finding my contact details from my webpages and using the webmaster contacts at the bottom of each page - or finding me as a DNA match on GEDmatch.com :)Assorted other trees are included here:Richardsons of MorebattleDawes of Sth West DevonBoth of which surnames have dedicated pages on my own website with further info - http://Familytree.lornahen.comPlus assorted RUNCIMAN  and FAIRBAIRN trees related to my One Name Studies, and WCPotl_YYYYMMDD which consists of those families researched for their possible connection to mine.WCon9_YYYYMMDD and WCPotl_YYYYMMDD trees are snapshots from another database and may be replaced every so often, so smartmatches will not remain from one version to the net. HENDERSONLornaAncestorsPlus1GenDescendants however is maintained in FTB in order for research to be attached to it, so any smartmatches should remain valid.

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