Reid Sept of Clan Donnachaidh

Welcome to Reid Sept of Clan Donnachaidh

Greetings Reid Clan Decendants an Visitors! My name is Jim (James) Reid, son of James Danford Reid, in this family tree. I am the Webmaster for this site and have created it in the hopes of preserving some Old Reid Clan relics and for all to reference and appreciate with their own family.First, I must say, this is a work in progress. As of today, 22 Oct 2010, I have personally input 235 Reid members in this tree. I encourage everyone who has pictures or documents (birth, death, marriage, family bibles, deeds, or published stories) to send them to me so that I can post them to the tree. I will be your sole point of contact for anything you would like to post.  I look forward to seeing our site grow and inspire!!v/rJim Reid Where our journey began....  The Reid connectedness is with the totality of forces that operated within the clans of the Scottish Highlanders in the tenth century. These Highlanders, whether novice or immigrants, were from the first to last of the same Celtic stock. There we find the Reid’s of Scottish nobility with a reputation for moral and physical strength, energy, ingenuity, piety, resourcefulness, and the ability to lead and direct others. Having been confined for many years within their natural boundaries and having little or no intercourse with the rest of the world, they formed strong attachments with their neighbors, the BROWNS, the KEITHS, the EDENS, the RANDOLPHS, the HESTERS, the DOUGLASES, and the SUTHERLANDS, and intermarried with them. The REIDS and their allied families lived in Inverness-Shire, the Strath-Sprey. The Reid’s and their allies were loyal to the Stuarts and followed them with the clang and color of weaponry during all their misfortunes. They took part in the BATTLE OF FLODDEN when the English won the victory near Branxton, Northumberland, in 1513. Scarcely a family of eminence survived without having had an ancestor killed at Flodden Field. This battle was in fact, the beginning of Scotch genealogical records. Again the Reid’s and their allies were engaged in the BATTLE OF CULLODEN, fought in support of Prince Charles on a tract of land in Inverness-Shire about six miles east of Inverness, when the fate of the house of Stuart was decided on April 16, 1746.Sir Thomas Reid lived his whole live in Inverness-Shire, Scotland. His name places him squarely in the Robertson Clan (Donnacaidh in galic). The clan Robinson/Donnacaidh is composed of many families, including Duncan, McInroy, Stark, Collier and the largest sept, Reid. He was knighted by the King, as was his son Joseph Reid. Joseph was also born in Inverness. He was exiled to North America after the Jacobite uprising in Scotland. Joseph and his father had been strong supporters of the restorations of the Stuart Family (Bonnie Prince Charlie) to the English throne. After the Scots were defeated at the Battle of Culloden in 1746, the English exiled many of those rebellious Scots in an effort to break up the Clans and control the unruly ones left behind.SIR JOSEPH REID was driven from Scotland as a political refugee, he and his family with their friends and other families mentioned above, along with other notable families of Scotland. For them it was farewell to the "land of brown heath and shaggy wood". He, like his father, SIR THOMAS REID, who was born and died in Inverness-Shire, had been knighted for deeds of Chivalry. The trip to America was an eight weeks voyage in a sailing vessel. His destination was Botetourt County, Virginia, where he settled. The genealogical notations on our Sir Joseph Reid end with the notation that he died in Virginia, the date of death not given. His son, NATHANIEL REID, loving the cause of liberty, fought on the side of America in the War of Independence. He lived in Virginia until after the war, but was given grants of lands in the Old Pendleton District of South Carolina in compensation for his war service, and he and his family moved to that District in upper South Carolina.  It is here where our ancestor "STEPHEN REID, Nathaniel's son, was born and later moved to North Carolina.And so it begins..........The symbol you see to the right of this is the "Clan Badge".  The swath of cloth you see at the left is the "Clan Tartan".  This tartan is registered in the Vestiarium Scoticum of 1842 as the "Robertson" Clan tartan, see  ( Reid Clan was a "sept"  of the Donnachaidh Clan. Sometimes referred to as the Robertson or Duncan Clan. Never the less, the Donnachaidh Clan had many septs and the Reid Clan was a major Clan within. Clan Motto: Virtutis gloria merces (Glory is the reward of valour) & Scientia potestas est (Knowledge is Power).      Offical Donnachaidh Clan Website (Scotland):

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