Agnetha Fältskog
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Agnetha Fältskog
In Biographical Summaries of Notable People
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NameAgnetha Fältskog
Gender Female
Aliases Agneta Fältskog, Agnetha Faltskog, Agnetha Faeltskog, Agnetha Falskog, Agnetha Åse Fältskog, agnetha_faltskog, Agnetha Ase F?ltskog, Fältskog, Agnetha, Åse Agneta Fältskog, Agnetha Fältskog Ulvaeus, Agnetha, Anna
Birth Apr 5 1950
Nationality Sweden
Ethnicity Swedes
Occupations Singer, Record producer, Composer, Songwriter, Actor, Musician
Marriage Spouse: Björn Ulvaeus
July 6 1971
Marriage Spouse: Tomas Sonnenfeldt
Dec 15 1990
MotherBirgit FältskogMay 26 1923
FatherIngvar Fältskog1922
DaughterLinda UlvaeusFeb 23 1973
SonPeter Christian UlvaeusDec 4 1977
HusbandBjörn UlvaeusApr 25 1945
SpouseTomas Sonnenfeldt
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