Alfonso Cuarón
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Alfonso Cuarón
In Biographical Summaries of Notable People
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NameAlfonso Cuarón
Gender Male
Aliases Alfonso Cuaron, Alfonso Cuarón Orozco, Poncho Cuarón, Alfie, Alfonso Cuarónm
Birth Nov 28 1961
 Mexico City
Nationality Mexico
Ethnicity Mexicans
Occupations Screenwriter, Film director, Film Producer, Film Editor, Cinematographer, Television Director, Actor
Marriage Spouse: Annalisa Bugliani
Marriage Spouse: Mariana Elizondo
 Mexico City
 National Autonomous University of Mexico
 Centro Universitario de Estudios Cinematográficos
FatherAlfredo Cuarón
SonJonás Cuarón1981
SonOlmo Teodoro CuarónJan 24 2005
DaughterTess Bu CuarónDec 24 2003
BrotherCarlos CuarónOct 2 1966
BrotherAlfredo Cuarón
WifeAnnalisa BuglianiJuly 22 1973
WifeMariana Elizondo
WifeSheherazade GoldsmithMar 14 1974
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