American Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, July 1894
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American Monthly Magazine, Volume 5, July 1894
1,284 records
American Monthly Magazine (1892). Title from cover<br><br>Place of publication varies<br><br>Issues for Sept. 1911-June 1913 called also: whole no. 231-whole no. 251<br><br>Issued<br><br> by the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution<br><br>General index: v. 17 (1900)-71 (1937). 1 v. (Includes index to the periodical under its later names.)<br><br>Genealogical index: v. 1 (1892)-84 (1950). 1 v. (Includes index to the publication under its later names.)<br><br>General subject index: 1892-1997. (Includes index to the periodical under its later names.) v. 1 of 3 v. index set<br><br>Genealogy and necrology index: 1892-1997. (Includes index to the periodical under its later names.) v. 2 of 3 v. index set