Yewens Directory Landholders New South Wales 1900
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Search in Yewens Directory Landholders New South Wales 1900
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Yewens Directory Landholders New South Wales 1900
585 records
Yewens Directory Landholders New South Wales 1900. 1900. This was the "first broad attempt at publishing a complete directory of landowners in New South Wales ..." The directory is divided into approximately 1900 postal localities grouped under 87 larger districts.<br><br> There is an introduction and summary to each district. It indicates for each landholder whether they are dairy farmers, graziers or agriculturalists and what crops are under cultivation in the following categories&nbsp; - wheat, maize, barley, oats, potatoes, tobacco, sugar, other crops, grapes and orchard fruits.</p><p>This a wonderful, extensive guide to over 70,000 landholders throughout NSW, by district and postal address.</p><p>The main directory is supplemented by further useful information:</p><ul><li>A list of butter factories, creameries cheese and bacon factories, flour mills, sugar mills, ice works etc. </li><li>a large fold out chart with a breakdown of crops under cultivation and livestock by district</li><li>A summary table of the landed estate of New South Wales</li><li>Indexes to the districts, the postal localities and over 50 advertisers in the directory.</li></ul>
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