Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents to the War in South Africa, 1899 - 1902. P. Murray. (1911). Murray's record is a compilation of official Australian reports in regards to the<br><br> war in South Africa, and was compiled as a memorial and remembrance of the war. <p></p><p>It is written as a reference book rather than a history of the war and as a result contains a huge amount of logically presented facts, figures and statistics about the war, as well as the contingents and men involved.</p><p> Features of this book include:</p><ul><li>National Roll of over 17,000 men who served</li><li>overview of the service of each Australian contingent arranged by state</li><li>Contingents are listed chronologically within each state in order of leaving Australia</li><li>the men are listed within each contingent, commencing with officers, then non-commissioned officers and lastly the other ranks</li><li>gives service number, rank and unit</li><li>other information includes units, uniforms, dates, war services and honours, deaths, fate, promotions, wounds, invalided, prisoners (and escapes), excerpts of written reports, rolls, medics and nurses, and much more are included for each of the different states</li><li>each state section has an introduction and overview</li><li>each contingent has a summary, which may include service departure and return, service, chronology, casualty list, awards and honours, clothing and excerpts from reports.</li>