Poland, Gravestones, 1800-2020
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Search in Poland, Gravestones, 1800-2020
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Poland, Gravestones, 1800-2020
4.029.310 records
This collection contains cemetery records from gravestones throughout Poland. Records may include the full name of the deceased, date of birth, date of death, and place of burial, including the sector, row, and plot number within the cemetery. The given burial place may include the name of the cemetery, city, and voivodeship (province) within Poland.<br><br>The collection spans all sixteen voivodeships of Poland. There is also a selection of records that are from before the year 1800. The records in this collection were published by <a href="https://grobonet.com/" target="blank">Grobonet.com</a>, visit their website to find additional information and view photos of the gravestones.
Sample record
Andrzej SzczeklikDied: Feb 3 2012
Andrzej Szczeklik was a Polish immunologist working at the Jagiellonian University School of Medicine (Collegium Medicum) in Kraków. Having received numerous distinctions for his research, Szczeklik was also well known as a writer.