Australia, Outwards Passengers from Victoria, 1852-1915
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Търси в Australia, Outwards Passengers from Victoria, 1852-1915
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Australia, Outwards Passengers from Victoria, 1852-1915
1 753 944 записи
This collection provides passenger lists of individuals leaving Victoria, Australia between the years 1852 and 1915. Records may contain the following searchable information: last name and given names of the departing individual, estimated year of birth, month and year of departure, and first and last name of the ship master.<br><br>The following may also be viewable: name of the ship, destination, title or note about the circumstances of the individual, age at departure, name of the alternate ship master, and information about the original records. Original records are located in the Public Record Office of Victoria.
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Примерен запис
John BowserDeparture: Apr 1877
John Bowser, Australian politician, was the 26th Premier of Victoria. He was born in London, the son of an army officer, and arrived in Melbourne as a child with his family.