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Watson Coachman TWITTY was born in 1877.
Watson had 8 siblings: Joseph Ernest TWITTY, Irma SPEER (born TWITTY) and 6 other siblings.
Watson passed away.
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty in Marion progress - ‎May 11 1933

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... thence W. 27% poles with said line to the beginning, containing 3% acres more or less, and being the same land which is fully described in a deed from Watson Twitty to John Anderson, dated Feb. 18, 1911, and recorded in Book 64 at page 42 of McDowell County Deed Records to which reference is here made. The terms of the ..."
Publication place: Marion, Mcdowell, North Carolina
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty in Marion progress - ‎Apr 27 1933

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... thence W. 27% poles with said line to the beginning, containing 3x/4 acres more or less, and being the same land which is fully described in a deed from Watson Twitty to John Anderson, dated Feb. 18, 1911, and Tecorded in Book 64 at page 42 oi McDowell County Deed Records tc which reference is here made. The terms of the ..."
Publication place: Marion, Mcdowell, North Carolina
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty in Marion progress - ‎May 18 1933

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... W. 27 % poles with said line to the beginning, containing 3 acres more or less, and being the same land which is fully described in a deed from Watson Twitty to John Anderson, dated Feb. 18, 1911, and recorded in Book 64 at page 42 of McDowell County Deed Records to which reference is here made. The terms of the ..."
Publication place: Marion, Mcdowell, North Carolina
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty in Spokane Chronicle - ‎Mar 7 1917

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... run. Chamberlin. Watson and for reducing penalties on delinquent making rebates to certain favored low hurdles. Shawler amt I and Irrigation codes, while real Watson: high hu Shawler and Watson Twitty and Phelps; t- C. Peterson and H. Peterson; high measures aro being rushed through or jump. Cronk, and White: broad of whlch a majority are Jump, White, Peterson and Carey ..."
Publication place: Spokane, Spokane County, Washington, United States
Record image of Watson M Twitty

Watson M Twitty, born Circa 1846

1860 United States Federal Census
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Watson M Twitty was born circa 1846, in birth place, South Carolina.
Personal Info
Watson lived in 1860, in address, South Carolina.
Watson Twitty had one brother: Jack (John) Curtis Twitty.
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Watson Twitty
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Watson Twitty
Record image of Watson Twitty

Watson Twitty

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Watson Twitty
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