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Record image of Vincent Mogelnicki

Vincent Mogelnicki in St. Petersburg Times - ‎Aug 19 1956

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... reproduction from an elocutionary standpoint Knights Of Columbus St. Petersburg Council IIM enjoyed an appreciable attendance at lts meeting Monday night at K of C Guest speaker was Father Vincent Mogelnicki of St. Louis, Mo. Hii topic was "juvenile delinquency." A newcomer admitted to membership was Owen Spitler vla transfer from Toledo. Ohio. lng members Introduced and weii corned were Michael ..."
Publication place: St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida, United States
"... Flerida. within six calendar months from the of the first publication of this nolice SAID CLAIM OR DEMAND MUST BE DULY SWORN TO AND FILED IN DU- •s Rev. Vincent J. Mogelnicki os of the ef Amena Mogelnicki, ?i C ErSS R. Hallel! Resident 33 Fourth North St Petersburg. Florida 33701 ATTORNEY: ERMA R. HALLETT ef COLLINS ANO HALLETT Sl Petersburg. Florida ..."
Publication place: St. Petersburg, Hillsborough County, Florida, United States
Record image of Vincent J. Mogelnicki

Vincent J. Mogelnicki in St. Petersburg Times - ‎Mar 6 1968

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Fj M, attended Sf. Paul's Catholic ChurA A was a member of the Polish American Club of ttu dty. Hi ls survived by his wile, Mrs. Mogelnicki# sori. Rsy. Vincent J. Mogelnicki, St. Louls, Mo.# Sleven C. Mogelnicki, Sl. Louls end J. Mogelnicki of this dty and daughter Mrs. Josefine Gronski, Sl. Louls. Mo.# 13 gr kiran 3 There will be a recitation of lhe at the Downs Ford Home, 1043 Ave. N ..."
Publication place: St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida, United States
"... N. Ha Sl Paul's Catholic Church 4. was a member ol the Polish American Club ol this cily. He ls survived by hls whe Mrs. Ameila Mogelnicki,■ sons. Rev, Vincent J. Mogelnicki, Sl. Louls. Mo.,' Sleven C, Mogelnicki, Sl. Louls and Edward J. Mogelnicki ot this and daughter Mrs. Joephine Gronski, Sl. Louis, 13 grandchildren 8. 3 Thera will ba a recitation ol Ihe Rosary at Ihe Downs ..."
Publication place: St. Petersburg, Hillsborough County, Florida, United States
Record image of Vincent J Mogelnicki

Vincent J Mogelnicki, born Circa 1914

1950 United States Federal Census
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Vincent J Mogelnicki was born circa 1914, in Missouri, United States.
Personal Info
Vincent lived in Glass St.
He lived on April 1 1950, in 1 Glass St, Festus, Jefferson, Missouri, United States.
Record image of Vincent J Mogelnicki

Vincent J Mogelnicki, 1913 - 1994

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Vincent J Mogelnicki was born on October 12 1913.
Personal Info
Vincent lived in Saint Louis, Missouri 63108, USA.
Vincent passed away on March 17 1994, at age 80.
Record image of Vincent Joseph Mogelnicki

Vincent Joseph Mogelnicki, born 1913

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Vincent Joseph Mogelnicki was born on month day 1913, in birth place, Missouri.
Record image of Vincent J. Mogelnicki

Vincent J. Mogelnicki

Missouri, St. Louis Death Notices
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Genealogy record of Vincent J. Mogelnicki
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