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Verna M Bessie Mooney and Verna E AULTMAN (born GANDY) was born on month day 1929, in birth place, Mississippi.
Verna had 5 siblings: Van Dorn m2 Fairl I GANDY, Bobby J Bessie Mooney and Verna E Gandy and 3 other siblings.
Verna married Thomas J AULTMAN.
Thomas was born in 1922.
They had one son: Al m2 Anita AULTMAN.
Verna passed away on month day 2020, at age 91 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman in El Paso herald. - ‎May 19 1917

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... turned around o return home. Those In the party were Missus Helen DePue, Nellie Smith. Margaret O'Conner. June Covington. Mary Kelly, Myrtle Beding-iietd, Irene Railstrom. Lavinia, Kuhn, Dorothy Vollertsen, Verna Aultman. Mildred Undauer. Vlneta Undauer. "uth Rawlins Kussell Mills. John Savage, Gus Sellgmann, Byron Stolo-rolt, Geui Donahue. Ourv Jackson, Fills Wingo, Arthur "Wheatley, Arthur Hathaway TV'Ulam Cables. Hiram Duncan, Russell Ramage, ..."
Publication place: El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman in El Paso herald. - ‎Aug 12 1913

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... booby prizes were won by Cullum Spencer and John Drew. Ice cream and cake were served: The guests on this occasion were: Misses Claudie Browner. Rose Darlington, Esther Rice, Verna Aultman, Phyllis Rutledge. Aileen Spencer. Maud Lqucks, Merle Dale, Mabel Shea, Elizabeth Lucas, Lucile Mc-Kie, Helen Brown; Messrs. Ray White, Earl Evans. Roe Miller, John Drew, Ellwood Carpenter. B. B. Spencer. ..."
Publication place: El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman in El Paso herald. - ‎Apr 28 1917

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... liiwiui u, fiejcil rv, i uai"ii. 'v. ...... ill 1:1 the Raj jej.,a Green .Lucille Crenshaw ..Georgia 1 Brock, o!eman Uarweli. Hiram Dun-'ie auspices of rrahan, Ruth Bryant, Verna Aultman. : can, Hugh lienmng. Lemonhill Smith. . Kalneren Kicne. ui.mcue r uuer. -undred Undauer, Helen Depue, Mary J llnnIl.n, Lonieioe Finlev. Marcaret . Hardy. Katherine Iiclc Mabel McMul1 len Vilas ..."
Publication place: El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman in El Paso herald. - ‎Feb 10 1917

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... work of ! the organization will be discussed. A MaN'ral on Monday. : An interesting evtnt of Monday aiternoon win oe 'aro Mitchell. Dorothy Mitchell, Margaret Hines, Mabel Mi-Mullen. Verna Aultman. Evelyn Ellison. Nellie Smith. .Mabel Shea. Anne Macoffin. Elizabeth White, Zelema Xewsoine, Peggy Harfortniehtlv .(inner dance of the Coun try club, which would fall on Thursday, will also be omjtted ..."
Publication place: El Paso, El Paso, Texas
Record image of Verna Mae Aultman

Verna Mae Aultman, born Circa 1930

1950 United States Federal Census
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Verna Mae Aultman was born circa 1930, in Mississippi, United States.
Verna married Thomas J Aultman.
Thomas was born circa 1923, in Mississippi, United States.
They had 2 sons: Thomas C Aultman and Teddy E Aultman.
Personal Info
Verna lived in Center St.
She lived on April 1 1950, in Center St, Seminary, Covington, Mississippi, United States.
Verna Aultman was born circa 1891, in birth place, Iowa.
Personal Info
Verna lived in 1905, in address, Iowa.
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman, born Circa 1908

1920 United States Federal Census
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Verna Aultman was born circa 1908, in birth place, Mississippi.
Verna had 2 sisters: Ida Aultman and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Verna lived in 1920, in address, Mississippi.
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman, born 1929

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Verna Aultman was born on month day 1929, in birth place, Mississippi.
Verna married Jeff Aultman.
Jeff was born in 1923, in birth place, Mississippi.
Record image of Verna Aultman

Verna Aultman

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Verna Aultman
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