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Theodore Jackson Gillies was born on month day 1815, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore married Mary Gillies (born Buchanan).
Mary was born in 1829, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had one daughter: Mabel Alice Vanwinkle (born Gillies).
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1880, in address, New Jersey.
Theodore passed away on month day 1893, at age 78 in death place, New Jersey.
Documents of Theodore Jackson Gillies
Theo. J. Gillies in 1880 United States Federal Census
Theo. J. Gillies was born circa 1815, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theo married Mary Gillies.
Mary was born circa 1831, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 4 children: Emily Gillies and 3 other children.
Theo lived in 1880, in address, New Jersey.
His occupation was a occupation.
Theodore J Gillies in 1870 United States Federal Census
Theodore J Gillies was born circa 1816, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore married Mary Gillies.
Mary was born circa 1830, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 4 children: Emily Gillies and 3 other children.
Theodore lived on month day 1870, in address, New Jersey.
Theodore Gillies in Everton Pedigree and Family Group Sheets
Theodore Gillies was born in 1815.
Theodore married Eliza Wilson.
Theodore Adrian Dirck Gillies was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
Theodore married Mary Gillies (born Hyde) on month day 1812, at age 25 in marriage place.
Mary was born on month day 1788, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had one son: Theodore Jackson Gillies.
Theodore passed away on month day 1866, at age 79 in death place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore Adrian Gillies was born on month day 1846.
Theodore had 19 siblings: John James Gillies, Janet Wilson Gillies and 17 other siblings.
Theodore passed away on month day 1847, at age less than one.
Theodore Gabriel Gillies was born in 1587, in birth place.
Theodore married Julienne Gillies (born Durand).
Julienne was born in 1587, in birth place.
They had one son: Gabriel Theodore Gillies.
Theodore passed away in 1657, at age 70 in death place.
Record image of Theodore J. Gillies

Theodore J. Gillies in The Philadelphia Record - ‎May 7 1909

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... st.. above Parrish sr.. W. Interment private, at helten HUN Phila. Hich Requiem Mass at of Sorrows? Churco, at IO A. M. Interment at St. Denis cemetery 6. 1909. THEODORE J. GILLIES. aged 47 years, at hls late residence. 2147 North Reese st. Due notice of the funeral Iven. (4 1 be given. 4. 1909. GIL- G Sciulli of and Fs-. M ..."
Publication place: Philadeplhia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States
"... Pine street. Camden, N. J. Serv Ires nt Eighth Street M. E ('burch at 1 o'clock Interment private, ut Evergreen Cemetery. March 22. ELIZABETH SMEDLEY', widow of Hip lale Theodore Adrian Gillies, ln hcr year. the aml friends of the are respectfully Invited to attend Ibe funera! f oti morning, at ll o'clock precisely. ar thc residence of lier S. L. Cramer. ..."
Publication place: Philadeplhia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Theodore E. Gillies

Theodore E. Gillies in St. Petersburg Times - ‎Mar 22 1924

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Ilfeld, N. J.; Rlchard Sowdon, dee, Plainfield, N. J.; J. G. Millor, Pa.; Sol Schlitter, Nowark, N. J.; B. A. Ch covo, Baltimore, v Md.; 8. Prosser. N. C.; Theodoro E. Gillies, Philadelphia,. R. Caldwell, St. Louis,’ Bon Now lork City; Willlam Krim, Now York City; r rgo H. Stagg, Buffalo, N. Y.; L. Haynos, Mass.; Cleveland, 0.; Fred Columbus, Ga,; Adrian ..."
Publication place: St. Petersburg, Pinellas County, Florida, United States
"... bonu, sad wot burled on' the spot by his comtntilont, wlio silnnerd lilt mother -f th- gntltt sf n aaall ptultt, whJeh icy art 'till paying. QUEEN STATE Mr, Theodore Resigns GILLIES SUCCEEDS. Mr. K. S, TheoOoro ceased to b* Tre mler of Queensland ou Weduesduy latl, nnd uftor u keeu coutem Mr. Vi. .N. QllUea (Minister for Affrlculture) waa elt'eteil In ..."
Publication place: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Theodore Jackson Gillies was born on month day 1815, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore had 4 siblings: Theodore Jackson Gillies and 3 other siblings.
Theodore married Mary Buchanan.
Mary was born in month 1829, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 12 children: Cornelia Eliza Coffin (born Gillies), Emily Augusta Ryder (born Gillies) and 10 other children.
Theodore then married Eliza Gillies (born Wilson).
Eliza was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
Theodore passed away on month day 1893, at age 78 in death place, New Jersey.
Theodore Derick Gillies was born on month day 1787, in birth place.
Theodore married Mary Gillies (born Hyde) on month day 1812, at age 25 in marriage place, Pennsylvania.
Mary was born on month day 1788, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 4 children: Theodore Jackson Gillies and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1860, in address, Pennsylvania.
Theodore passed away on month day 1866, at age 79 in death place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore Jackson Gillies was born on month day 1815, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore had 3 sisters: Cornelia McGlathery (born Gillies) and 2 other siblings.
Theodore married Mary Gillies (born Gillis).
Mary was born on month day 1830, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 13 children: Janet Wilson DeLong (born Gillis), Mary Cornelia Gillies and 11 other children.
Theodore then married Eliza Gillies (born Wilson).
Eliza was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1850, in address, New York.
He lived in 1855, in address, New York.
He lived in 3 more places.
Theodore passed away on month day 1893, at age 78 in death place, New Jersey.
Theodore Adrian Gillies was born on month day 1846, in birth place, New York.
Theodore had 12 siblings: Janet Wilson DeLong (born Gillis), Mary Cornelia Gillies and 10 other siblings.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1850, in address, New York.
Theodore Gillies was born circa 1905, in birth place.
Theodore had 3 siblings: Thomas J Gillies and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in month 1921, in address.
He lived in month 1921, in address.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, born Circa 1899

1940 United States Federal Census
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Theodore Gillies was born circa 1899, in Pennsylvania, USA.
Theodore married Jeanita Gillies.
Jeanita was born circa 1906, in Ohio, USA.
They had one son: Fred Gillies.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1935, in Same Place - 25 Connecticut, Highland Park, Wayne, Michigan, USA.
He lived in 1940, in 25 Connecticut, Highland Park, Wayne, Michigan, USA.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies

Everton Pedigree and Family Group Sheets
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Genealogy record of Theodore Gillies
Record image of Theodore J T Gillies

Theodore J T Gillies, died 1909

Pennsylvania Death Index, 1906-1964
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Theodore J T Gillies passed away on month day 1909, in death place.
Record image of Theodore E Gillies

Theodore E Gillies, born Circa 1899

1950 United States Federal Census
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Theodore E Gillies was born circa 1899, in Pennsylvania, United States.
Theodore married Juanita C Gillies.
Juanita was born circa 1906, in Ohio, United States.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in Baphore.
He lived on April 1 1950, in 2723 Baphore, Anchor Bay Gardens, MacOmb, Michigan, United States.
Harris, Theodore Gillies was born on month day 1916, in birth place.
Harris married Unknown.
They had one son: Harrybert Clyde pierre.
Harris passed away in month 1989, at age 73 in death place.
Theodore, Jackson Gillies had 5 siblings: James Boggs Gillies, Cornelia McGlathery (born Gillies) and 3 other siblings.
Theodore married Elizabeth, Sutherland Gillies (born Wilson).
They had 9 children: James Gillies, Theodore Gillies and 7 other children.
Theodore, Adrian Derk Gillies married Mary Gillies (born Hyde).
They had 6 children: James Boggs Gillies, Theodore Jackson Gillies and 4 other children.
Theodore Jackson Gillies married Elizabeth Southland Wilson.
They had one daughter: Agnes Meade Gillies.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, died 1902

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Personal Info
Theodore Gillies lived in address, New Jersey.
Theodore passed away in 1902, in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, 1898 - 1984

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Theodore Gillies was born on February 17 1898.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in Los Angeles, California 90045, USA.
Theodore passed away in September 1984, at age 86.
Record image of Theodore J Gillies

Theodore J Gillies, born Circa 1869

1870 United States Federal Census
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Theodore J Gillies was born circa 1869, in birth place, New Jersey.
Theodore had 3 siblings: Emily Gillies and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Theodore lived on month day 1870, in address, New Jersey.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, born Circa 1900

1920 United States Federal Census
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Theodore Gillies was born circa 1900, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore had 2 siblings: James B Gillies and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1920, in address, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, born Circa 1899

1930 United States Federal Census
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Theodore Gillies was born circa 1899, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Theodore married Juanita Gillies.
Juanita was born circa 1906, in birth place, Ohio.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1930, in address, Missouri.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, born Circa 1899

1910 United States Federal Census
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Theodore Gillies was born circa 1899, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Personal Info
Theodore lived in 1910, in address, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies, died 1902

New Jersey Death Index 1901-1903
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Theodore Gillies passed away in 1902, in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Theodore E Gillies

Theodore E Gillies

New York City Marriage License Index 1908-1972
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Theodore E Gillies married Juanita M Clark in 1927, in marriage place, New York.
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies

1840 United States Federal Census
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Personal Info
Theodore Gillies lived in 1840, in address, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Theodore Jackson Gillies

Theodore Jackson Gillies

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Theodore Jackson Gillies
Record image of Theodore Gillies

Theodore Gillies

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Theodore Gillies
Record image of Theodore J Gillies

Theodore J Gillies

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Theodore J Gillies
Record image of Theodore J Gillies

Theodore J Gillies

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Theodore J Gillies
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