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Dora (Theodora Henrika) Wilting (born Wemmers) was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
Dora married Theo (Theodorus Johannes) Wilting on month day 1929, at age 26 in marriage place.
Theo was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Gonda (Allegonda Elisabeth Theodora) de Leeuw (born Wilting), Henk (Henricus Theodorus Paulus) Wilting and 3 other children.
Dora passed away on month day 1973, at age 70 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Dora (Theodora Henrika) Wilting (born Wemmers)
Theodora Hendrika Wemmers in Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
Theodora Hendrika Wemmers was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
Theodora lived in 1921, in address.
Theodora Hendrika Wemmers in Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940
Theodorus Johannes Wilting was born circa 1904, in birth place.
Theodorus married Theodora Hendrika Wemmers on month day 1929, at age 25 in marriage place.
Theodora Hendrika Wemmers in Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940
Theodorus Johannes Wilting married Theodora Hendrika Wemmers on month day 1929, in marriage place.
Theodora van Dillen - Wilting was born on month day 1901, in birth place.
Theodora married Theodorus van Dillen on month day 1925, at age 24.
Theodorus was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Annie Smits - van Dillen.
Theodora passed away on month day 1985, at age 84 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Theodora Bockelder, verw. Legeland (born Wilting), verw. Legeland was born on month day 1810, in birth place.
Theodora had 4 siblings: Johann Heinrich Wilting and 3 other siblings.
Theodora married Johann Legeland on month day 1839, at age 29 in marriage place.
Johann was born on month day 1799, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Johann Bernhard Legeland and 2 other children.
Theodora then married Johann Heinrich Bockelder on month day 1857, at age 47 in marriage place.
Johann was born on month day 1813, in birth place.
Theodora passed away on month day 1868, at age 57 in death place.
Theodora Josephina Efing (born Wilting) was born on month day 1818, in birth place.
Theodora had 7 siblings: Johann Bernhard Wilting, Engelbert Bernhard Wilting and 5 other siblings.
Theodora married Bernhard Hermann Efing on month day 1853, at age 35 in marriage place.
Bernhard was born on month day 1828, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Theodora Efing and one other child.
Theodora passed away on month day 1881, at age 62 in death place.
Documents of Theodora Josephina Efing (born Wilting)
Theodora Josephina Wilting in Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929
Theodora Josephina Wilting married Bernard Hermann Efing on month day 1853, in marriage place.
Theodora Josefine Eefting in Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
Theodora Josefine Eefting (born Wilting) was born circa 1817, in birth place.
Theodora married Bernard Eeftink.
Theodora lived in address.
Theodora passed away on month day 1881, at age 64 in death place.
Theodora Willemina (Dora) de Graaff (born Wilting) was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Theodora married Rudolphus (Rudolf) de Graaff on month day 1899, at age 22 in marriage place.
Rudolphus was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Johannes Theodorus Anthonius (Antoon) de Graaff, Johannes Theodorus Bernardus de Graaff and 4 other children.
Theodora passed away on month day 1950, at age 74 in death place.
Documents of Theodora Willemina (Dora) de Graaff (born Wilting)
Theodora Willemina Wilting in Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
Theodora Willemina Wilting was born circa 1876.
Theodora married Rudolf de Graaff.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1950, at age 74 in death place.
Theodora Willemina Wilting in Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940
Rudolf de Graaff was born circa 1875.
Rudolf married Theodora Willemina Wilting on month day 1899, at age 24 in marriage place.
His occupation was a occupation.
Theodora Reus (born Wilting) was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Theodora had 3 siblings: Johann Wilting and 2 other siblings.
Theodora married Gerhard Reus on month day 1869, at age 22 in marriage place.
Gerhard was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Theodor Reus, Johann Reus and 3 other children.
Theodora passed away on month day 1927, at age 80 in death place.
Theodora Jansdr. Wilting was born on month day 1859, in birth place.
Theodora had 6 siblings: Willemina Jansdr. Huting (born Visser), Hendrikus Johannes Wilting and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1867, at age 8 in death place.
Documents of Theodora Jansdr. Wilting
Theodora Wilting in Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
Theodora Wilting was born circa 1859.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1867, at age 8 in death place.
Theodora Wilting in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1859, in birth place.
Theodora passed away on month day 1867, at age 8 in death place.
Theodora Hermina Wilting was born on month day 1861, in birth place.
Theodora had 9 siblings: Theodorus Wilting, Wilhelmina Berendina Lenting and 7 other siblings.
Theodora passed away on month day 1881, at age 20 in death place.
Documents of Theodora Hermina Wilting
Theodora Hermina Wilting in Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
Theodora Hermina Wilting was born circa 1861.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1881, at age 20 in death place.
Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Theodora had 6 siblings: Theodorus Wilhelmus Wilting, Theodora Wilting and 4 other siblings.
Theodora passed away on month day 1871, at age less than one in death place.
Documents of Theodora Wilting
Theodora Wilting in Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
Theodora Wilting was born circa 1860.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1871, at age 11 in death place.
Theodora Wilting, verw. Beusker (born Goosen), verw. Beusker was born circa 1806, in birth place.
Theodora married Andreas Joseph Bernhard Hermann Beusker on month day 1839, at age 33 in marriage place.
Andreas was born on month day 1816, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Hermann Theodor Beusker and 2 other children.
Theodora then married Johann Wilting on month day 1845, at age 39 in marriage place.
Johann was born circa 1816.
They had one daughter: Anna Maria Wichering (born Wilting).
Theodora passed away on month day 1862, at age 56 in death place.
Theodora Wensing, verw. Möllers (born Wilting), verw. Möllers was born on month day 1775, in birth place.
Theodora married Hermann Möllers in marriage place.
They had one daughter: Angelina van Zutphen (born Mölders).
Theodora then married Johann Wensing on month day 1806, at age 30 in marriage place.
Johann was born on month day 1780, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Johann Bernhard Wensing, Gerhard Wensing and 4 other children.
Theodora passed away on month day 1854, at age 78 in death place.
Theodora Hoogstraaten was born in month 1806, in birth place.
Theodora was baptized on month day 1806, in baptism place.
Theodora had 5 siblings: Wilhelmina Peeters (born Wilting), Maria Agnes Hoogstraaten and 3 other siblings.
Theodora passed away on month day 1882, at age 75 in death place.
Documents of Theodora Hoogstraaten
Theodora Hoogstraten in Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
Theodora Hoogstraten was born on month day 1806, in birth place.
Theodora lived in 1880, in address.
Theodora Hoogstraaten in Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
Theodora Hoogstraaten was born circa 1807.
Theodora married Franciscus Heijnen.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1882, at age 75 in death place.
Theodora Wilting (born Klein-Übbing) was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
Theodora had 8 siblings: Johann Bernhard Klein-Übbing, Johann Theodor Klein-Übbing and 6 other siblings.
Theodora married Gerhard Wilting on month day 1849, at age 27 in marriage place.
Gerhard was born on month day 1822, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Adelheid Böing (born Wilting), Johann Gerhard Wilting and 3 other children.
Theodora passed away.
Documents of Theodora Wilting (born Klein-Übbing)
Theodora Klein Uebbing in Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929
Theodora Klein Uebbing married Gerhard Wiltink on month day 1849, in marriage place.
Theodora Klein Ubbinck in Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
Theodora Klein Ubbinck was born on month day 1822.
Theodora was baptized on month day 1822, in baptism place.
Theodora lived in 1822, in address.
Theodora Wilting (born Dellemann) was born on month day 1838, in birth place.
Theodora had 8 siblings: Helena Lankhorst (born Dellemann), Johann Dellemann and 6 other siblings.
Theodora married Bernhard Wilting on month day 1858, at age 19 in marriage place.
Bernhard was born in 1831.
They had 2 daughters: Elisabeth Gamers (born Wilting) and one other child.
Theodora passed away.
Theodora Wilting, verw. Dieters (born Elting), verw. Dieters was born on month day 1795, in birth place.
Theodora had 9 siblings: Johanna Wilhelmina Hüning (born Elting), Henrich Wilhelm Elting and 7 other siblings.
Theodora married Gerardus Dieters on month day 1820, at age 25 in marriage place.
Gerardus was born on month day 1784, in birth place.
Theodora then married Johannes Wilhelm Wilting on month day 1833, at age 37 in marriage place.
Johannes was born on month day 1785, in birth place.
Theodora passed away.
Documents of Theodora Wilting, verw. Dieters (born Elting)
Theodora Iltink in Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
Theodora Iltink was born on month day 1795.
Theodora lived on month day 1795, in address.
Theodora Ilting in Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940
Joannes Wilhelmus Wilting was born circa 1786.
Joannes married Theodora Ilting on month day 1833, at age 47 in marriage place.
His occupation was a occupation.
Theodora Seijfried (born Wilting) was born in 1789.
Theodora married Johan Henrich Seijfried on month day 1813, at age 24 in marriage place.
Johan was born in 1778.
Theodora passed away.
Documents of Theodora Seijfried (born Wilting)
Theodora Wilting in Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1789.
Theodora was baptized on month day 1789, in baptism place.
Theodora Wilting in Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940
Johan Heinrich Seijfried was born circa 1778.
Johan married Theodora Wilting on month day 1813, at age 35 in marriage place.
His occupation was a occupation.
Theodora Henrika (Dora) Wilting (born Wemmers) married Theodorus Johannes (Theo) Wilting.
Theodorus was born on month day 1903, in birth place.
Theodora passed away.
Theodora Ferdinande Wilting (born Frentzel) was born on month day 1892, in birth place.
Theodora had 5 siblings: Adolph Gerhard Frentzel, Catharina Christina Hebing (born Frentzel) and 3 other siblings.
Theodora married Joseph Johann Hermann Wilting on month day 1913, at age 21 in marriage place.
Joseph was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
Theodora passed away.
Record image of Theodora Wilting (born Dellemann)

Theodora Wilting (born Dellemann), Circa 1839 - 1901

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Theodora Wilting (born Dellemann) was born circa 1839, in birth place.
Theodora married Bernhard Wilting.
Theodora passed away on month day 1901, at age 62 in death place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting (born Klein Uebbing)

Theodora Wilting (born Klein Uebbing), Circa 1822 - 1887

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Theodora Wilting (born Klein Uebbing) was born circa 1822, in birth place.
Theodora married Gerhard Wilting.
Personal Info
Theodora lived in address.
Theodora passed away on month day 1887, at age 65 in death place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting (born Frentzel)

Theodora Wilting (born Frentzel), Circa 1892 - 1920

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Theodora Wilting (born Frentzel) was born circa 1892, in birth place.
Theodora married Josef Wilting.
Theodora passed away on month day 1920, at age 28 in death place.
Record image of Theodora Rens (born Wilting)

Theodora Rens (born Wilting), 1847 - 1927

Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Deaths 1874-1938
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Theodora Rens (born Wilting) was born on month day 1847, in birth place.
Theodora passed away on month day 1927, at age 80 in death place.
Theodora Willemina de Graaff (born Wilting) was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Theodora had one sister: Berendina Maria Wilting.
Theodora married Rudolf de Graaff on month day 1899, at age 22 in marriage place.
Rudolf was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Antonius Johannes Josephus Lambertus de Graaff, Josephus Johannes Antonius de Graaff and 7 other children.
Personal Info
Theodora lived in address.
Theodora passed away on month day 1950, at age 74 in death place.
Theodora Legeland (born Kniepe) was born on month day 1810, in birth place.
Theodora was baptized on month day 1810, in baptism place.
Theodora had 7 siblings: Johanna Schlüss (born te Knipe), Johann Henrich Te Kniepe and 5 other siblings.
Theodora married Johann Legeland.
Johann was born on month day 1799.
They had one son: Johann Bernard Legeland.
Theodora passed away on month day 1868, at age 57.
Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Theodora had 6 siblings: Theodorus Wilhelmus Wiltink, Theodora Wiltink and 4 other siblings.
Theodora passed away on month day 1871, at age less than one in death place.
Theodora Wilting (born Van Rossum) was born in month 1754, in birth place.
Theodora was baptized on month day 1754, in baptism place.
Theodora had 7 siblings: Wilhelmina Van Rossum, Joannes Van Rossum and 5 other siblings.
Theodora married Rutgerus Wilting on month day 1783, at age 29 in marriage place.
Rutgerus was born in month 1748, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Aleida Wilting, Jacobus Wilting and 4 other children.
Theodora WILTING was born on month day 1901, in birth place.
Theodora married Theodorus VAN DILLEN on month day 1925, at age 24.
Theodorus was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Bernardina VAN DILLEN, Norbertus VAN DILLEN and 4 other children.
Theodora passed away on month day 1985, at age 84 in death place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, Circa 1822 - 1886

Netherlands, Civil Deaths, 1811-1965
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Theodora Wilting was born circa 1822.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Theodora passed away on month day 1886, at age 64 in death place.
Johanna Maria Theodora de Graaff was born circa 1891.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Johanna passed away on month day 1906, at age 15 in death place.
Johanna Hermina Maria de Graaf was born circa 1914.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Johanna passed away on month day 1924, at age 10 in death place.
Antonius Johannes Rudolf de Graaf was born circa 1901.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Antonius passed away on month day 1903, at age 2 in death place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born 1870

GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
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Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting

GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
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Genealogy record of Theodora Wilting
Theodorus Bernardus van Dillen was born circa 1896, in birth place.
Theodorus married Theodora Johanna Wilting on month day 1925, at age 29 in marriage place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born Circa 1871

Netherlands, Civil Marriages, 1811-1940
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Theodor Reuss was born circa 1871.
Theodor married Wilhelmina van Pluren on month day 1900, at age 29 in marriage place.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born 1821

Netherlands, Civil Births, 1811-1915
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Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
Record image of Theodora Maria Wilting

Theodora Maria Wilting, born 1858

Netherlands, Civil Births, 1811-1915
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Theodora Maria Wilting was born on month day 1858, in birth place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born 1825

Netherlands, Civil Births, 1811-1915
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Harmina Johanna Stoltenborg was born on month day 1825, in birth place.
Record image of Theodora Willemina Wilting

Theodora Willemina Wilting, born 1909

Netherlands, Civil Births, 1811-1915
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Johannes Theodorus Antonius de Graaff was born on month day 1909, in birth place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born 1862

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Theodora Wilting was born on month day 1862, in birth place.
Record image of Theodora Petronella Wilting

Theodora Petronella Wilting

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Theodora Petronella Wilting was baptized on month day 1795, in baptism place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born 1831

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Bernard Kampshoft was born on month day 1831.
Bernard was baptized on month day 1831, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Bernard lived in 1831, in address.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting, born 1840

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Henrina Schnelting was born on month day 1840.
Henrina was baptized on month day 1840, in baptism place.
Record image of Theodora Johanna Wilting

Theodora Johanna Wilting, born 1901

Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
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Theodora Johanna Wilting was born on month day 1901, in birth place.
Personal Info
Theodora lived in 1921, in address.
Record image of Theodora Johanna Wilting

Theodora Johanna Wilting, born 1901

Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
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Theodora Johanna Wilting was born on month day 1901, in birth place.
Personal Info
Theodora lived in 1922, in address.
Record image of Theodora Johanna Wilting

Theodora Johanna Wilting, born 1901

Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
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Theodora Johanna Wilting was born on month day 1901, in birth place.
Personal Info
Theodora lived in 1931, in address.
Record image of Theodora Maria Wilting

Theodora Maria Wilting, born 1858

Netherlands, Population Registers, 1810-1936
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Theodora Maria Wilting was born on month day 1858, in birth place.
Personal Info
Theodora lived in between 1874 and 1893, in address.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting

Netherlands, Church Baptisms, 1580-1811
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Theodora Wilting was baptized on month day 1753, in baptism place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting (Tepoel)

Theodora Wilting (Tepoel)

Germany, Marriages, 1558-1929
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Theodora Wilting married Bernardus Tepoel on month day 1791, in marriage place.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting

Geni World Family Tree
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Theodora Wilting had 6 siblings: Theodorus Wilhelmus Wilting, Theodora Wilting and 4 other siblings.
Record image of Theodora Wilting

Theodora Wilting

Geni World Family Tree
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Theodora Wilting had 6 siblings: Theodorus Wilhelmus Wilting, Hendrikus Johannes Wilting and 4 other siblings.
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