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Sylvester Pekanpoika Korhonen was born on month day 1864, in birth place.
Sylvester was baptized on month day 1864, in baptism place.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Greta Kaisa Korhonen, Wilhelmina Pekantytär Korhonen and 5 other siblings.
Sylvester married Maria Sofia Korhonen (born Airaksinen) on month day 1891, at age 27 in marriage place.
Maria was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
They had 10 children: Ida Komppula (born Korhonen), Anna Helena Nevalainen (born Korhonen) and 8 other children.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1940, at age 75 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sylvester Pekanpoika Korhonen
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
Sylvester Korhonen was baptized on month day 1864, in baptism place.
Sylvester in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Korhonen, Pettersson, Petterpoika was born on month day 1864.
Sylvester had 3 siblings: Greta Kaisa Korhonen Pettersdotter Pettertytär and 2 other siblings.
Sylvester lived in between 1860 and 1873, in address.
Sylvester Karhonen in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Karhonen was born on month day 1864.
Sylvester lived in between 1860 and 1873, in address.
Sylvester Antinpoika Korhonen was born on month day 1862, in birth place.
Sylvester was baptized on month day 1862, in baptism place.
Sylvester had 12 siblings: Elisabeth (Liisa) Antintytär Väisänen (born Korhonen), Tuomas Antinpoika Unknown and 10 other siblings.
Sylvester married Loviisa Juhontytär Korhonen (born Halonen) on month day 1886, at age 24 in marriage place.
Loviisa was born on month day 1865, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Helmi Aino Sylvia Lindewall (born Korhonen), Hilja Maria Sylvesterintytär Finnig (born Korhonen) and 7 other children.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in address.
He lived in between 1861 and 1870, in address.
His occupations were occupation, occupation and occupation.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1904, at age 41 in death place.
Sylvester Johansson Korhonen was born on month day 1797, in birth place.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Johan Johaninpoika Korhonen, Maria Repo (born Korhonen) and 5 other siblings.
Sylvester married Kristina Korhonen (born Hujanen) on month day 1822, at age 25 in marriage place.
Kristina was born circa 1795, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Johan Sylvestersson Korhonen, Christer Sylvesterss. Korhonen and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1832 and 1842, in address.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1834, at age 36 in death place.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
Sylvester had 6 siblings: Johannes Korhonen, Torsten Korhonen and 4 other siblings.
Sylvester married Eva Cristina Korhonen (born Tuovinen) on month day 1854, at age 24 in marriage place.
Eva was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Johanna Korhonen and 2 other children.
Sylvester then married Anna Evelina Korhonen (born Björklund) on month day 1876, at age 46.
Anna was born on month day 1850, in birth place.
They had 3 sons: David Johan Korhonen and 2 other children.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1881, at age 50 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sylvester Korhonen
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland, Marriages, 1682-1892
Eva Christina Tuovinen married Sylvester Korhonen on month day 1854, in marriage place.
Silvester Korhonen in Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
Silvester Korhonen was baptized on month day 1830, in baptism place.
Sylvester in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Korhonen, Davidsson, Davidpoika was born on month day 1830.
Sylvester had 2 brothers: Dawid Korhonen Davidsson Davidpoika and one other sibling.
Sylvester lived in between 1843 and 1853, in address.
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland, Marriages, 1682-1892
Anna Evelina Bjorklund married Sylvester Korhonen on month day 1876, in marriage place.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1833, in birth place.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: David Korhonen, Anna Lena Ruotsalainen (ent. Rytkönen) (born Korhonen) and 5 other siblings.
Sylvester married Anna Lovisa Korhonen (born Koponen) on month day 1859, at age 25.
Anna was born on month day 1838, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Samuel Korhonen, Maria Korhonen and 7 other children.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1860 and 1873, in address.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1906, at age 72 in death place.
Documents of Sylvester Korhonen
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1833.
Sylvester married Anna Lovisa Koponen.
Anna was born on month day 1838.
Sylvester lived in between 1860 and 1873, in address.
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1833.
Sylvester married Anna Lovisa Koponen.
Anna was born on month day 1838.
Sylvester lived in between 1860 and 1873, in address.
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1833.
Sylvester lived in between 1840 and 1849, in address.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1757, in birth place.
Sylvester had 5 siblings: Inkeri Antintytär Korhonen, Antti Antinpoika Korhonen and 3 other siblings.
Sylvester married Maria Aatamintytär Korhonen (born Eskelinen).
Maria was born on month day 1760, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Daavid Korhonen, Anna Maria Korhonen and 5 other children.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1838, at age 80 in death place.
Sylvester Andreanpoika Korhonen was born on month day 1795, in birth place.
Sylvester married Elin Paulsdotter Korhonen (born Ollikainen).
Elin was born in 1791, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Katarina Sylvesterintytär Hoffrén (born Korhonen) and one other child.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1868, at age 73 in death place.
Documents of Sylvester Andreanpoika Korhonen
Sylvester Korhonen in Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
Sylvester Korhonen was born in 1795.
Sylvester married Elin Ollikainen.
Elin was born in 1791.
Sylvester lived in between 1851 and 1860, in address.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1795, in birth place.
Sylvester had 6 siblings: David Pettersson Korhonen, Catharina Pettersdr. Korhonen and 4 other siblings.
Sylvester married Margareta Korhonen (born Rissanen).
Margareta was born circa 1795, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Margareta Paldanius (born Korhonen) and 6 other children.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1842, at age 47 in death place.
Sylvester / Sipi / Sippo Korhonen was born in 1660, in birth place.
Sylvester was baptized circa 1688, in baptism place.
Sylvester had 4 siblings: Tuomas Mikonpoika Korhonen and 3 other siblings.
Sylvester married Elin Tahvontytär / Staffansdotter Korhonen (born Toikatar / Toikkanen) on month day 1700, at age 40 in marriage place.
Elin was born in Before 1684.
They had 9 children: Paavo (Påhl) Sipinpoika Korhonen, Kirsti /Kristiina / Kirstin Sipintytär Pietiläinen (born Korhonen) and 7 other children.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1750, at age 90 in death place.
Sylvester Sylvesterinpoika Korhonen was born on month day 1834, in birth place.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Hedda Maria Räihä (born Korhonen), Pehr Korhonen and 5 other siblings.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1836, at age one in death place.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1800, in birth place.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Katarina Uotinen (born Korhonen), Anna Maria Rautiain (born Korhonen) and 5 other siblings.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1802, at age 2 in death place.
Sylvester Juhonpoika Korhonen was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Sylvester married Selma Lydia Salomonintytär Korhonen (born Holopainen).
Selma was born on month day 1888.
They had one daughter: Kielo Adolfiina Korhonen.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1928, at age 49.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1887, in birth place.
Sylvester had 8 siblings: Liisa Korhonen, Alina Korhonen and 6 other siblings.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1888, at age one in death place.
Sylvester, Juhonpoika, Sylvester, Juhonpoika Korhonen, Korhonen was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Sylvester had 2 brothers: David Johannes David Johannes Korhonen Korhonen and one other sibling.
Sylvester married Selma Lydia, Salomonintytär Jääskeläinen (born Korhonen, Holopainen).
Selma was born on month day 1888, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Kielo Adolfiina Pöyhönen (born Korhonen).
Sylvester passed away on month day 1928, at age 49.
He was buried in burial place.
Sylvester, Antinpoika Korhonen was born on month day 1862, in birth place.
Sylvester was baptized on month day 1862, in baptism place.
Sylvester had 10 siblings: Liisa Liisa Antintytär Elisabeth Andersdotter Väisänen Väisänen (born Korhonen Korhoin), Tuomas Antinpoika Thomas Andersson Korhonen and 8 other siblings.
Sylvester married Loviisa, Juhontytär, Lovisa, Johansdotter Halonen.
Loviisa was born on month day 1865, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Toivo Sylvesterinpoika Korhonen, Väinö Sylvester Sylvesterinpoika Korhonen and 7 other children.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1904, at age 41 in death place.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
Sylvester had 2 brothers: Ananias Taavetinpoika Korhonen and one other sibling.
Sylvester married Eva Kristina Tuovinen.
Eva was born on month day 1830, in birth place.
They had 4 sons: Sylvester Korhonen and 3 other children.
Sylvester then married Anna Evelina Björklund (born Savolainen) on month day 1876, at age 45 in marriage place.
Anna was born on month day 1850, in birth place.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1881, at age 50 in death place.
Sylvester, Tuomaanpoika Korhonen, Korhonen was born on month day 1894, in birth place.
Sylvester was baptized on month day 1894, in baptism place.
Sylvester had 6 siblings: Maria Borg (born Korhonen), Helena Tuomaantytär Helena Tuomaantytär Korhonen Kauppinen and 4 other siblings.
Sylvester married Elsa, Samulintytär Korhonen (born Kääriäinen).
Elsa was born on month day 1900, in birth place.
They had one son: Tuomas Sylvesterinpoika Korhonen Korhonen.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1944, at age 50 in death place.
Sylvester Korhoin was born on month day 1757, in birth place.
Sylvester was baptized on month day 1757, in baptism place.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Ingeborg Ruuskanen (born Korhoin), Anders Korhonen and 5 other siblings.
Sylvester married Maria Korhoin (born Eskelin) on month day 1786, at age 28 in marriage place.
Maria was born on month day 1760, in birth place.
They had 8 children: baby Korhoin, Anna Maria Rautiain (born Korhonen) and 6 other children.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1838, at age 80 in death place.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1862, in birth place.
Sylvester had 5 siblings: Maria Korhonen, Anna Korhonen and 3 other siblings.
Sylvester married Lovisa Korhonen (born Halonen) in 1887, at age 24.
Lovisa was born on month day 1865, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Hilja Maria Finnig (born Korhanen).
Sylvester passed away on month day 1904, at age 41.
Sylvester Philipsson Korhonen was born in 1803, in birth place.
Sylvester had 3 siblings: Marget Philipsdotter Korhonen and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1790 and 1826, in address.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1809, at age 6 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1883.
Sylvester married Aino Maria Korhonen (born IsoKoski).
Aino was born on month day 1883, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Aku Sylvester Korhonen and 2 other children.
Sylvester passed away on month day 1957, at age 73 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Sylvester

Sylvester, born 1855

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Sylvester Korhonen, Davidsson, Davidpoika was born on month day 1855.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Anna Maria Korhonen Davidsdotter Davidtytär, Agatha Korhonen Davidsdotter Davidtytär and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1843 and 1853, in address.
Record image of Sylvester

Sylvester, born 1840

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Sylvester Korhonen, Davidsson, Davidpoika was born on month day 1840.
Sylvester had 6 siblings: David Korhonen Davidsson Davidpoika, Henric Korhonen Davidsson Davidpoika and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1822 and 1831, in address.
Record image of Sylvester

Sylvester, born 1855

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Sylvester Korhonen, Davidsson, Davidpoika was born on month day 1855.
Sylvester had 6 siblings: Agatha Korhonen Davidsdotter Davidtytär, Johan Korhonen Davidsson Davidpoika and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1843 and 1853, in address.
Record image of Sylvester

Sylvester, born 1854

Finland Church Census and Pre-Confirmation Books, 1657-1915
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Sylvester Korhonen, Påhlsson, Påhlpoika was born on month day 1854.
Sylvester had 7 siblings: Anna Korhonen Påhlsdotter Påhltytär, Eva Kristina Korhonen Påhlsdotter Påhltytär and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in between 1864 and 1873, in address.
Record image of Sylvester Korhonen

Sylvester Korhonen, born 1870

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Sylvester Korhonen was born on month day 1870.
Sylvester was baptized on month day 1870, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Sylvester lived in 1870, in address.
Record image of Sylvester Korhonen

Sylvester Korhonen

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Sylvester Korhonen was baptized on month day 1865, in baptism place.
Record image of Sylvester Korhonen

Sylvester Korhonen

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Sylvester Korhonen was baptized on month day 1840, in baptism place.
Record image of Sylvester Korhonen

Sylvester Korhonen

Finland, Baptisms, 1657-1890
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Sylvester Korhonen was baptized on month day 1855, in baptism place.
Record image of Sylvester Korhonen

Sylvester Korhonen, born Circa 1874

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Sylvester Korhonen was born circa 1874.
Record image of Sylvester Korhonen

Sylvester Korhonen

Finland, Marriages, 1682-1892
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Henrika Halanen married Sylvester Korhonen on month day 1863, in marriage place.
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