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Stephanie HESPEL (born THIEFFRY) was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
Stephanie married Francois,Joseph HESPEL on month day 1832, at age 18 in marriage place.
Francois,Joseph was born on month day 1808, in birth place.
They had 9 children: HenriJosephDenis HESPEL, HortenseFlorineJoseph BAUDUIN (born HESPEL) and 7 other children.
Stephanie passed away on month day 1868, at age 54 in death place.
Documents of Stephanie HESPEL (born THIEFFRY)
Stéphanie THIEFFRY in France, Nord Civil Deaths, 1820-1935
Stéphanie THIEFFRY was born circa 1814, in birth place.
Stéphanie married François HESPEL.
Stéphanie passed away on month day 1868, at age 54 in death place.
Stéphanie THIEFFRY in France, Nord Civil Deaths, 1820-1935
Joséphine Maria HESPEL was born circa 1853, in birth place.
Joséphine passed away on month day 1853, at age less than one in death place.
stephanie demouveaux (born thieffry) was born on month day 1821, in birth place.
stephanie married jean baptiste joseph demouveaux on month day 1854, at age 33 in marriage place.
jean was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
stephanie passed away on month day 1868, at age 47 in death place.
Stephanie Thieffry (born Chanteraine) was born on month day 1823, in birth place.
Stephanie had 2 sisters: Adeline Seghers (born Chanteraine) and one other sibling.
Stephanie married Isidore Thieffry on month day 1844, at age 20 in marriage place.
Isidore was born on month day 1819, in birth place.
They had 2 sons: Louis Thieffry and one other child.
Stephanie Hespel (born Thieffry) was born in 1814.
Stephanie had 4 siblings: Marie Louise Josephine Thieffry and 3 other siblings.
Stephanie married François Joseph Hespel.
François was born in 1811.
They had 9 children: Hortence Florine Joseph Hespel, Florimond Désiré Joseph Hespel and 7 other children.
Stephanie passed away on month day 1868, at age 54.
Stephanie THIEFFRY (born CHANTERAINE ou CHANTRAIN) was born on month day 1823, in birth place.
Stephanie married Isidore THIEFFRY on month day 1844, at age 20 in marriage place.
Isidore was born on month day 1819, in birth place.
They had 3 sons: Louis Thieffry and 2 other children.
Stephanie THIEFFRY was born on month day 1814, in birth place.
Stephanie married François, Joseph HESPEL on month day 1832, at age 18 in marriage place.
François was born on month day 1808, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Jean-Baptiste HESPEL, Julien HESPEL and 3 other children.
Stephanie passed away on month day 1868, at age 54 in death place.
Stephanie THIEFFRY was born on month day 1816, in birth place.
Stephanie married Jean Baptiste Joseph PLUQUET on month day 1844, at age 28 in marriage place.
Jean was born on month day 1802, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Marie Philomene PLUQUET.
Stephanie passed away on month day 1847, at age 31 in death place.
Record image of Stephanie THIEFFRY

Stephanie THIEFFRY, died 1847

France, Church Burials and Civil Deaths
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Stephanie THIEFFRY passed away on month day 1847, in death place.
Record image of Stephanie Joseph THIEFFRY

Stephanie Joseph THIEFFRY, born 1826

France, Church Baptisms and Civil Births
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Stephanie Joseph THIEFFRY was born on month day 1826, in birth place.
Record image of Stephanie THIEFFRY (PLUQUET)


France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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Jeanbaptiste Joseph PLUQUET married Stephanie THIEFFRY on month day 1844, in marriage place.
Record image of Stephanie Joseph THIEFFRY (HESPEL)

Stephanie Joseph THIEFFRY (HESPEL)

France, Church Marriages and Civil Marriages
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François Joseph HESPEL married Stephanie Joseph THIEFFRY on month day 1832, in marriage place.
Record image of Stephanie THIEFFRY

Stephanie THIEFFRY, born 1834

France, Nord Civil Marriages, 1792-1937
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Henri Joseph BODUIN was born circa 1835.
Henri married Hortense Florine Joseph HESPEL on month day 1864, at age 29 in marriage place.
Record image of Stephanie THIEFFRY

Stephanie THIEFFRY, born 1854

France, Nord Civil Marriages, 1792-1937
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Oscar Emile DEROUBAIX was born on month day 1854.
Oscar married Marie Eugenie WOETS on month day 1881, at age 26 in marriage place.
Record image of Stephanie THIEFFRY

Stephanie THIEFFRY, Circa 1847 - 1904

France, Nord Civil Deaths, 1820-1935
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Charles Joseph DEROUBAIX was born circa 1847, in birth place.
Charles married Victoire Zulma MADOUX.
Charles passed away on month day 1904, at age 57 in death place.
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