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Stella Margarita Arras was born on month day 1894.
Stella had 4 siblings: Hilda Aurora Meres (Matonis) (born Arras) and 3 other siblings.
Stella passed away circa 1960, at age 65.
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras, born 1892

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Stella Arras was born in month 1892, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Stella had 14 siblings: Rev Paul Roy Arras, Martha M Metzler (born Arras) and 12 other siblings.
Personal Info
Stella lived in 1900, in address, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras in The Mansfield Shield - ‎Jan 8 1919

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... wero elected lost night at the meeting of the E. T. Club which was beld with Freda at her homo on Glessner ave. Mary Beilstein was elected president. Miss Stella Arras, vice president. Miss Edna Leech, secretary. Clara Veneer, corresponding secretary and Hazel Loupo. As a guest of thc club, Olivia Henry sang a number o f very sones for the ..."
Publication place: Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras in The Mansfield Shield - ‎Sep 9 1914

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Sauerbrey, and znd grades; Lona Zay, lst grado, German Marle Untiet. West First and Marlon avenue; Sophia Ruess, Hedges and Prospect streets; Olivo Fisher, Weat Fifth and Bowman streets; Stella Arras, Nowman and Bushnell streets. Jameson, Mary Dougherty. C. Frost. Writing and Ballard. Domestic Bock. O. Hawk. Evans, Holen rhiney, Alma Laser, Helen Them, Marguerite Kienle, Lucllle Cairns, Zolda Greenlee. muriel ..."
Publication place: Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras in The Mansfield Shield - ‎Dec 19 1917

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Orchard street with Miss Edna Leech as the hostess. After the Interesting program consisting of a paper on Galveston, Texas, by Miss Ticknor, and a vocal solo by Miss Stella Arras, tho guests assembled around a blg Christmas box which contained a dainty remembrance for each member. Refreshments were then served, the Christmas colors and decorations boing carried out in tho ..."
Publication place: Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras in The Mansfield Shield - ‎Nov 4 1915

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... The church orchestra never played hetter. The vocal selections of the Misses Margaret McClellan and Margaret Kienle, Mrs. Josephine Groscost delighted the audience with well chosen selections and Miss Stella Arras sustained her reputation as an interpreter of pathos in rendering the German masterpiece, ?Die Uhr? in a splendid manner. Miss Bertha Ruess gave one of her original talks which always ..."
Publication place: Mansfield, Richland County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras, born Circa 1891

1940 United States Federal Census
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Stella Arras was born circa 1891, in Ohio, USA, to J P Arras.
Personal Info
Stella lived in 1935, in Same House - 635 Springmill, Mansfield, Madison, Richland, Ohio, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 635 Springmill, Mansfield, Madison, Richland, Ohio, USA.
Stella Margarita Arras was born on month day 1894.
Stella had 4 siblings: Hilda Aurora Meres (Matonis) (born Arras) and 3 other siblings.
Stella passed away circa 1960, at age 65.
Record image of Stella Y Arras

Stella Y Arras, born Circa 1905

1920 United States Federal Census
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Stella Y Arras was born circa 1905, in birth place, Illinois.
Stella had 3 siblings: Esther L Arras and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Stella lived in 1920, in address, Illinois.
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras, born Circa 1905

1910 United States Federal Census
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Stella Arras was born circa 1905, in birth place, Illinois.
Stella had one sister: Ester Arras.
Personal Info
Stella lived in 1910, in address, Illinois.
Record image of Stella Arras

Stella Arras, born 1892

1900 United States Federal Census
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Stella Arras was born in month 1892, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Personal Info
Stella lived in 1900, in address, Pennsylvania.
Record image of Stella B Arras

Stella B Arras, born 1915

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Stella Caroline Price was born on month day 1915, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
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