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Sophia Leslie-Melville (born Thornton) was born on month day 1806, in birth place.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1806, in baptism place.
Sophia had 8 siblings: Henry Sykes Thornton, Marianne Thornton and 6 other siblings.
Sophia passed away on month day 1887, at age 81 in death place.
Documents of Sophia Leslie-Melville (born Thornton)
Sophia Thornton in England Marriages, 1538-1973
Sophia Thornton married John Thornton Leslie Melville on April 23 1834, in Battersea, Surrey, England.
Sophia Cecelia Thornton in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Sophia Cecelia Thornton was born on month day 1806, in birth place.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1806, in baptism place.
Sophia passed away on month day 1887, at age 81 in death place.
Sophia Leslie Melville in England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
Sophia Leslie Melville was born circa 1806.
Sophia passed away in month 1887, at age 81 in death place.
Sophia L Melvill in 1851 England & Wales Census
Sophia L Melvill was born circa 1806, in birth place.
Sophia married John Melvill.
John was born circa 1787, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Emily E Melvill, Harriet L Melvill and 3 other children.
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Sophia Thornton was born on month day 1862.
Sophia had 5 siblings: Rueben Meadowcroft, Eliza and 3 other siblings.
Sophia married Mr. Thornton.
Sophia passed away on month day 1932, at age 69.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Sophia Thornton
Sophia Thornton in 1930 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1862, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Sophia married Fred Thornton.
Fred was born circa 1861, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Sophia lived in 1930, in address, Wisconsin.
Sophia Thornton in 1900 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born in month 1862, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Sophia married Fred Thornton circa 1890, at age 27.
Fred was born in month 1860, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Sophia lived in 1900, in address, Wisconsin.
Sophia Jane Thornton (born Burt) was born on month day 1849, in birth place.
Sophia had 20 siblings: Agnes Jane Coppock (born Birt), George Arthur Burt and 18 other siblings.
Sophia married John Peter Thornton on month day 1869, at age 20 in marriage place.
John was born on month day 1830, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 9 children: James Bernard Thornton, Adelaide Emily Bailey (born Thornton) and 7 other children.
Sophia then married Peter Thornton on month day 1869, at age 20 in marriage place.
Peter was born in 1802, in birth place.
They had one son: John Peter Thornton.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in address.
She lived in 1851, in address.
Sophia passed away on month day 1937, at age 88 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sophia Jane Thornton (born Burt)
Sophia Birt in 1851 England & Wales Census
Sophia Birt was born circa 1849, in birth place.
Sophia had 5 siblings: William T Birt, Elizabeth Birt and 3 other siblings.
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Burt in Australia, New South Wales Marriage Index, 1788-1966
John Thornton married Sophia Burt in 1869, in Forbes, New South Wales, Australia.
Jane Thornton in 1871 England & Wales Census
Jane Thornton was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Jane married John Thornton.
John was born circa 1840, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Mary A Thornton and 2 other children.
Jane lived in 1871, in address.
Jane Thornton in 1891 England & Wales Census
Jane Thornton was born circa 1841, in birth place.
Jane married John Thornton.
John was born circa 1826, in birth place.
Jane lived in 1891, in address.
Sophia Charlotte Thornton (born Wockner) was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Sophia had 13 siblings: Annie Lovejoy (born Wockner), Ludwig Andrew Wockner and 11 other siblings.
Sophia married Thomas Thornton on month day 1904, at age 27 in marriage place.
Thomas was born on month day 1868, in birth place.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in address.
She lived on month day 1782, in address.
She lived in 6 more places.
Her occupations were occupation, occupation, occupation and occupation.
Sophia passed away on month day 1964, at age 88 in death place.
Sophia Marie Thornton (born Ficke) was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Nebraska.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1912, in baptism place, Nebraska.
Sophia had 10 siblings: Eileen Anna Marie Ficke, Nora Clara Busche (born Ficke) and 8 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1920, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 1930, in address, Nebraska.
Sophia passed away on month day 1996, at age 84 in death place, New Jersey.
She was buried in burial place, New Jersey.
Documents of Sophia Marie Thornton (born Ficke)
Sophia M Thornton in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Sophia M Thornton was born on February 11 1912.
Sophia lived in Riverton, New Jersey 08077, USA.
Sophia passed away on June 27 1996, at age 84.
Sophia M Thornton in New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
Sophia M Thornton was born on month day 1912.
Sophia lived in address, New Jersey.
Sophia passed away on month day 1996, at age 84 in death place, New Jersey.
Sofhia M Ficke in 1930 United States Federal Census
Sofhia M Ficke was born circa 1912, in birth place, Nebraska.
Sofhia had 2 brothers: Walter A Ficke and one other sibling.
Sofhia lived in 1930, in address, Nebraska.
Sophia Thornton (born Sanford) was born on month day 1810, in birth place.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1839.
Sophia had 8 siblings: Jane Mills (born Sanford), Rhoda Lawrence (born Sanford) and 6 other siblings.
Sophia married Ira P. Thornton.
Ira was born in 1804, in birth place.
They had one son: Oliver E. Thornton.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1820, in address, New York.
She lived in 1850, in address, Illinois.
She lived in 6 more places.
Sophia passed away on month day 1909, at age 99 in death place, Iowa.
She was buried in burial place, Iowa.
Documents of Sophia Thornton (born Sanford)
Sophia Thornton in 1850 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1811, in birth place.
Sophia married Ira Thornton.
Ira was born circa 1804, in birth place.
They had 7 children: Leonard Thornton, William Thornton and 5 other children.
Sophia lived in 1850, in address, Illinois.
Sophia Thornton in 1860 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1811, in birth place.
Sophia married Ira Thornton.
Ira was born circa 1804, in birth place.
They had 5 children: William Thornton, Silas Thornton and 3 other children.
Sophia lived in 1860, in address, Iowa.
Sophia Thornton in 1870 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1812, in birth place.
Sophia married Ira Thornton.
Ira was born circa 1804, in birth place.
They had one son: Charles Thornton.
Sophia lived on month day 1870, in address, Iowa.
Sophia Thornton (born Cody) was born on month day 1806, in birth place, New York.
Sophia had 18 siblings: Unnamed Son Cody, Roxey Gillette (born Cody) and 16 other siblings.
Sophia married Benjamin Thornton on month day 1826, at age 19 in marriage place.
Benjamin was born on month day 1803, in birth place, New York.
They had 12 children: Franklin Folden, Sarah Jane Carr (born Thornton) and 10 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1871, in address.
Sophia passed away on month day 1886, at age 79 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sophia Thornton (born Cody)
Sophia Thornton in 1851 Canada Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1807, in birth place.
Sophia married Benjamin Thornton.
Benjamin was born circa 1804, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Roda Thornton, Ann E Thornton and 3 other children.
Sophia lived on month day 1852, in address.
Sophia Cody in GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index
Sophia Cody was born on month day 1806, in birth place, New York.
Sophia passed away on month day 1886, at age 79 in death place.
Sophia Thornton (born Haythorne) was born in 1844, in birth place.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1844, in baptism place.
Sophia married David Thornton on month day 1867, at age 23 in marriage place.
David was born in 1843, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Mary Elizabeth Ward (born Thornton), Thomas William Thornton and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
She lived on month day 1861, in address.
She lived in 5 more places.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia passed away in month 1938, at age 94 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sophia Thornton (born Haythorne)
Sophia Thornton in 1881 England & Wales Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1845, in birth place.
Sophia married David Thornton.
David was born circa 1843, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Thomas W Thornton and 3 other children.
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
Sophia Haythorne in England Marriages, 1538-1973
Sophia Haythorne was born in 1845.
Sophia married David Thornton on June 10 1867, at age 22 in Slingsby, York, England.
Sophia Thornton in 1871 England & Wales Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1845, in birth place.
Sophia married David Thornton.
David was born circa 1844, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Thomas William Thornton and one other child.
Sophia lived in 1871, in address.
Sophia Caroline Lewis (born Thornton) was born in month 1879, in birth place, Kentucky.
Sophia had 12 siblings: George Lane Thornton, James THORNTON and 10 other siblings.
Sophia married William Matthew Lewis on month day 1897, at age 17 in marriage place.
William was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
They had 3 children: William Matthew Lewis and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
She lived in 1891, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia passed away on month day 1940, at age 60 in death place.
Documents of Sophia Caroline Lewis (born Thornton)
Sophia Thornton in 1881 England & Wales Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1880, in birth place, Kentucky.
Sophia had 3 siblings: Annie Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
Sophia Thornton in 1891 England & Wales Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1879, in birth place, Kentucky.
Sophia had 7 siblings: Annie Thornton, Minnie Thornton and 5 other siblings.
Sophia lived in 1891, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Lewis in 1900 United States Federal Census
Sophia Lewis was born in month 1879, in birth place.
Sophia married William Lewis circa 1897, at age 17.
William was born in month 1873, in birth place.
Sophia lived in 1900, in address, New Jersey.
Sophia May Phillips (born Thornton) was born on month day 1858, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophia had 16 siblings: Milton Thornton, Luraney B Wampler (born Thornton) and 14 other siblings.
Sophia married Thomas W. Philips.
Thomas was born on month day 1832, in birth place, Kentucky.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1860, in address, Missouri.
She lived on month day 1870, in address, Missouri.
She lived in 1910, in address, Missouri.
Sophia passed away on month day 1949, at age 90 in death place, Missouri.
She was buried in burial place, Missouri.
Documents of Sophia May Phillips (born Thornton)
Sophia Thornton in 1860 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1858, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophia had 8 siblings: James Thornton, David Thornton and 6 other siblings.
Sophia lived in 1860, in address, Missouri.
Sophia M Phillips in 1910 United States Federal Census
Sophia M Phillips was born circa 1859, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophia married Thomas W Phillips.
Thomas was born circa 1833, in birth place, Kentucky.
Sophia lived in 1910, in address, Missouri.
Sophia Thornton (born Turley) was born on month day 1817, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophia had 8 siblings: Milton Turley, Selinda Harvey (born Turley) and 6 other siblings.
Sophia married Hiram Thornton on month day 1835, at age 17 in marriage place, Missouri.
Hiram was born on month day 1810, in birth place, Virginia.
They had 15 children: William Harvey Thornton, Mary Elizabeth Thornton and 13 other children.
Sophia passed away on month day 1876, at age 58 in death place, Missouri.
She was buried in burial place, Missouri.
Documents of Sophia Thornton (born Turley)
Sophia Thornton in 1850 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1818, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophia married Hiram Thornton.
Hiram was born circa 1811, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 4 children: James M Thornton and 3 other children.
Sophia lived in 1850, in address, Missouri.
Sophia Thornton in 1860 United States Federal Census
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1817, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophia married Hiram Thornton.
Hiram was born circa 1811, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 9 children: James Thornton, David Thornton and 7 other children.
Sophia lived in 1860, in address, Missouri.
Sophy Thornton in 1870 United States Federal Census
Sophy Thornton was born circa 1817, in birth place, Missouri.
Sophy married Hiram Thornton.
Hiram was born circa 1811, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 8 children: Benjamin Thornton, Milton Thornton and 6 other children.
Sophy lived on month day 1870, in address, Missouri.
Sophia Thornton (born Gamet) was born on month day 1838, in birth place, New York.
Sophia had 7 siblings: James Alexander Gammett, Nathaniel Gammett and 5 other siblings.
Sophia married Mr. thorton.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1870, in address, New York.
Sophia passed away on month day 1913, at age 75 in death place, Illinois.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sophia Thornton (born Gamet)
Sophia Thornton (born Gamet) in The Windsor Daily Star - Nov 2 1935

Canada Newspapers, 1752-2007

"... Theatre, as part of a twin blll, with remember that not dealing Jack oakie. Burns and Allen and with Italy as a country but with Mussolini as a madman.” China Many Years LONDON. Ont.. Nov. Sophia Gamett, one of Canada's pioneer missionaries, who served ln China during the Boxer uprising, died; Thursday night at the bome of a.' niece. Mrs. H. Fisher, She J was 93 years old. Miss Garnett went out to ..."
Publication place: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Sophia Theresa Thornton (born Hogan) was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
Sophia had 8 siblings: William Edmund Hogan, Susan Catherine Hogan and 6 other siblings.
Sophia married John Thornton in 1899, at age 23 in marriage place.
John was born circa 1870.
They had 2 daughters: Claris May Corona (Cass) Thornton and one other child.
Sophia passed away on month day 1956, at age 81 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sophia Theresa Thornton (born Hogan)
Sophia Theresa Thornton in BillionGraves
Sophia Theresa Thornton passed away on May 14 1956.
She was buried in Cheltenham Cemetery, Cheltenham, South Australia, Australia.
Sophia Dower (born Thornton) was born on month day 1865, in birth place.
Sophia had 8 siblings: Jessie Roache (born Thornton), William John Thornton and 6 other siblings.
Sophia married Joseph James Dower on month day 1865, at age less than one in marriage place.
Joseph was born in 1865, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Joseph William Dower and one other child.
Sophia passed away on month day 1944, at age 79 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Sophia Dower (born Thornton)
Sophia Thornton in Australia, Victoria Marriage Index, 1837-1942
Joseph James Dower married Sophia Thornton in 1895, in Victoria, Australia.
Sophia Thornton (born Firth) was born on month day 1829, in birth place.
Sophia had one brother: Josiah Clifton Firth.
Sophia married Daniel Bateman Thornton.
Daniel was born on month day 1824, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Charles Thornton, Bateman Thornton and 6 other children.
Sophia passed away of cause of death on month day 1910, at age 81 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton in The New York herald. - ‎Sep 12 1867

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
View record
"... fecta, Ac $3 176 Jtrue n?John W. Thompson, lato chief ma e of ship Sophia Thornton, of New Bedford, cairns lor lo?s ot personal eil'icts, oxpontes, An. $674 rvmtoa. The following Is an al> ..."
Publication place: New York, New York, New York
Sophia Thornton (born Meadowcroft) was born on month day 1862.
Sophia had 5 siblings: Eliza Meadowcroft, Jesse Meadowcroft and 3 other siblings.
Sophia married Fredrick Thornton.
Sophia passed away on month day 1932, at age 69.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Sophia Leslie-Melville (born Thornton) was born on month day 1806, in birth place.
Sophia had 7 siblings: Henry Sykes Thornton, Marianne Thornton and 5 other siblings.
Sophia married John, Thornton Leslie-Melville.
John was born on month day 1786, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Ronald Ruthven Leslie-Melville, Norman Leslie Melville and 3 other children.
Sophia passed away on month day 1887, at age 81 in death place.
Sophia Thornton (born Reynolds) was born on month day 1837, in birth place.
Sophia married William Thornton on month day 1859, at age 22 in marriage place.
William was born on month day 1838, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Emma Snell (born Thornton).
Sophia passed away on month day 1892, at age 55 in death place.
Sophia B. Thornton (born Spooner) had 2 siblings: Walter Sprague Spooner and one other sibling.
Sophia married John, Russell Thornton.
John was born on month day 1808.
They had one son: Walter S. Thornton.
Sophia passed away on month day 1870, in death place, Massachusetts.
She was buried in burial place, Massachusetts.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton, 1918 - 2010

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Sophia Thornton was born on month day 1918, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in address, New Jersey.
Sophia passed away on month day 2010, at age 92 in death place, New Jersey.
Sophia G Thornton was born on October 30 1923.
Sophia passed away on February 9 2003, at age 79.
She was buried in Smithville Memorial Cemetery, Platte Township, Missouri, United States.
Sophia Thornton was born in 1826.
Sophia passed away on April 19 1887, at age 61.
She was buried in Hindmarsh Cemetery, Hindmarsh, South Australia, Australia.
Sophia Thornton (born Shepherd) was born in 1800.
Sophia passed away in 1841, at age 41.
She was buried in Thornton Graveyard, Merrimack, New Hampshire, United States.
Sophia E Thornton was born in 1920.
Sophia passed away in 2001, at age 81.
She was buried in Hillcrest Memorial Park Cemetery, Grants Pass, Oregon, United States.
Sophia Louise Thornton was born circa 1880.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia passed away on month day 1920, at age 40 in death place.
John T. Thornton was born on month day 1918, in birth place, West Virginia.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
John passed away on month day 1923, at age 4 in death place.
John F. Thornton passed away on month day 1923, in death place.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton, 1886 - 1982

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Sophia Thornton was born in month 1886.
Sophia passed away in month 1982, at age 95 in death place.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton, Circa 1863 - 1940

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Sophia Thornton was born circa 1863.
Sophia passed away in month 1940, at age 77 in death place.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton, Circa 1842 - 1900

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Sophia Thornton was born circa 1842.
Sophia passed away in month 1900, at age 58 in death place.
Record image of Sophia H Thornton

Sophia H Thornton, Circa 1865 - 1927

England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
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Sophia H Thornton was born circa 1865.
Sophia passed away in month 1927, at age 62 in death place.
Sophia J. Thornton (born Campbell) was born on month day 1872, in birth place, Alabama.
Sophia had 6 siblings: Lutie Mae Hudson (born Campbell), Thomas Gustin Campbell and 4 other siblings.
Sophia married Ingram Davis Thornton on month day 1890, at age 18 in marriage place, Alabama.
Ingram was born on month day 1872, in birth place, Alabama.
They had 12 children: Denny Cullen Thornton, Sallie D. Cornelius (born Thornton) and 10 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1880, in address, Alabama.
She lived in 1900, in address, Alabama.
She lived in 1910, in address, Alabama.
Sophia passed away on month day 1924, at age 52 in death place, Alabama.
She was buried in burial place.
Sophia Leslie-Melville (born Thornton) was born on month day 1806, in birth place.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1806, in baptism place.
Sophia had 8 siblings: Marianne Thornton, Henry Sykes Thornton and 6 other siblings.
Sophia married John Thornton Leslie-Melville on month day 1834, at age 28 in marriage place.
John was born on month day 1786.
They had 8 children: Ronald Ruthven Leslie-Melville, Norman Leslie-Melville and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Sophia passed away on month day 1887, at age 81 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Sophia Jane Thornton (born Burt) was born on month day 1849, in birth place.
Sophia had 11 siblings: Eliza Burt, Jane Burt and 9 other siblings.
Sophia married John Thornton on month day 1869, at age 20 in marriage place.
John was born on month day 1830, in birth place, Kentucky.
They had 4 children: Sarah Thornton and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Sophia passed away on month day 1927, at age 78 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Sophia Marie Thornton (born Ficke) was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Nebraska.
Sophia was baptized on month day 1912, in baptism place, Nebraska.
Sophia had 10 siblings: Elmer Ficke, Louis Elmer Ficke and 8 other siblings.
Sophia married Theodore Dale Thornton on month day 1938, at age 26 in marriage place, Nebraska.
Theodore was born on month day 1917, in birth place, Iowa.
They had one son: Gordon Wayne Thornton.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1920, in address, Nebraska.
She lived in 1930, in address, Nebraska.
Sophia passed away on month day 1996, at age 84 in death place, New Jersey.
She was buried in burial place, New Jersey.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1866, in birth place.
Sophia had 7 siblings: Mary Ellen Thornton, Mary Robert Thornton and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1873, in birth place.
Sophia had 4 siblings: Sabina Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1877, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: Thomas W Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1864, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: Edward Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1881, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1887, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: William Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1891, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1879, in birth place.
Sophia had 2 sisters: Ada Thornton and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1891, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1865, in birth place.
Sophia had one sister: Kate Thornton.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1891, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1877, in birth place.
Sophia had 4 siblings: Thomas W Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1891, in address.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1839, in birth place.
Sophia had 6 siblings: Hannah Thornton, Martha Thornton and 4 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1848, in birth place.
Sophia had 5 sisters: Sarah A Thornton, Mary Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1850, in birth place.
Sophia had 4 siblings: Henry Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1833, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: John Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1851, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1855, in birth place.
Sophia married Josiah Thornton circa 1879, at age 24.
Josiah was born circa 1876, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Alice Thornton, Fred Thornton and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived on month day 1911, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1895, in birth place.
Sophia had 4 sisters: Martha Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived on month day 1911, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1900, in birth place.
Sophia had 4 siblings: Amelia Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived on month day 1911, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1842, in birth place.
Sophia married Robert Thornton circa 1861, at age 19.
Robert was born circa 1843, in birth place.
They had 3 sons: James Thornton and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Sophia lived on month day 1911, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1847, in birth place.
Sophia had 5 brothers: Smith Thornton, Horatio Thornton and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia E Thornton was born circa 1855, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: Frances Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia A Thornton was born circa 1856, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: George Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1854, in birth place.
Sophia had 2 sisters: Elizabeth Ann Thornton and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1861, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Ann Thornton was born circa 1873, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: Lavinah Thornton and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1901, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1866, in birth place.
Sophia had one sister: Kate Thornton.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1901, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia Thornton was born circa 1879, in birth place.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1901, in address.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Sophia C Thornton was born circa 1856, in birth place.
Sophia had 3 siblings: James W Harrison and 2 other siblings.
Personal Info
Sophia lived in 1901, in address.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Sophia Thornton was baptized on month day 1858, in baptism place.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Sophia Thornton was buried on month day 1858, in burial place.
Record image of Sophia Thornton

Sophia Thornton

England, Norfolk Bishop's Transcripts, 1685-1941
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Frances Beatrice Sarah Thornton was baptized on month day 1877, in baptism place.
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