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Roxena May Abel was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Indiana.
Roxena had 4 siblings: William Jenning Bryan Abel and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Roxena lived in address, Indiana.
She lived in 1910, in address, Indiana.
She lived in 3 more places.
Roxena passed away on month day 1926, at age 19 in death place, Oregon.
Roxena May Abel was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Indiana.
Roxena had 5 siblings: Hettie Cobie Daringer (born Abel), Abbie S. Abel and 3 other siblings.
Roxena married Ernest W Bender.
Ernest was born on month day 1911, in birth place, Indiana.
Roxena then married Victor A. Ralston.
Victor was born on month day 1903, in birth place, Indiana.
Roxena then married James Raskauskaus.
James was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Illinois.
Personal Info
Roxena lived in address, Indiana.
She lived in 1910, in address, Indiana.
She lived in 3 more places.
Roxena passed away on month day 1926, at age 19 in death place, Oregon.
Roxanna Abel (born Arbogast) was born in month 1856, in birth place, Virginia.
Roxanna had 5 siblings: Harrison Arbogast, James Arbogast and 3 other siblings.
Roxanna married William Granville Abel in 1878, at age 21 in marriage place, West Virginia.
William was born on month day 1855, in birth place, West Virginia.
They had 8 children: John Thomas Ables, Charles Creed Ables and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Roxanna lived in 1860, in address, Virginia.
She lived in 1870, in address, West Virginia.
She lived in 3 more places.
Roxanna passed away in month 1936, at age 79 in death place, West Virginia.
Record image of Roxena M Abel

Roxena M Abel, born Circa 1908

1920 United States Federal Census
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Roxena M Abel was born circa 1908, in birth place, Indiana.
Personal Info
Roxena lived in 1920, in address, Indiana.
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