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Record image of Rita Volpi

Rita Volpi, born 1825

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Rita Volpi was born on month day 1825, in birth place.
Rita had 9 siblings: Antonio Volpi, Raffaele Volpi and 7 other siblings.
Rita passed away in death place.
Rita Lorenzini (born Volpo) was born on month day 1914, in birth place.
Rita married Gino Lorenzini.
Gino was born on month day 1909, in birth place.
They had one child.
Rita passed away of cause of death in month 2003, at age 88 in death place.
Rita Volpi (born Meini) was born in 1919, in birth place.
Rita married Nillo Volpi.
Nillo was born in 1914, in birth place.
They had one child.
Rita passed away in 2010, at age 91.
Record image of Rita Volpi (born Giorgini)

Rita Volpi (born Giorgini)

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Rita Volpi (born Giorgini) had 6 siblings.
Rita married Angelo (Angelino) Volpi.
They had 4 children: Marcello Volpi and 3 other children.
Rita passed away.
Record image of Rita Volpi

Rita Volpi, born Circa 1944

1950 United States Federal Census
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Rita Volpi was born circa 1944, in Pennsylvania, United States.
Personal Info
Rita lived in Wood St.
She lived on April 1 1950, in Wood St, Bristol, Bucks, Pennsylvania, United States.
Record image of Rita Volpi

Rita Volpi, born Circa 1952

Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
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Rita Volpi was born circa 1952, in birth place.
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