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Rauni Johanna Kitunen (born Kangas) was born on month day 1927.
Rauni had 3 siblings: Veikko Johannes Kangas and 2 other siblings.
Rauni passed away on month day 2001, at age 74.
Rauni Rudolph Kangas was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni had one brother: Arvi Kangas.
Rauni married Lulie Elizabeth Kangas (born Ketola) on month day 1937, at age 24 in marriage place, Michigan.
Lulie was born on month day 1914, in birth place, Michigan.
They had 3 children: Kenneth Warren Kangas and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Rauni lived in 1930, in address, Michigan.
He lived in 1935, in address.
He lived in 1940, in address, New Mexico.
Rauni passed away on month day 1973, at age 60 in death place, California.
He was buried in burial place, Michigan.
Documents of Rauni Rudolph Kangas
Rauni Kangas in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Rauni Kangas was born on August 3 1912.
Rauni lived in USA.
Rauni passed away in July 1973, at age 60.
Rauni R Kangas in California Deaths, 1940 - 1997
Rauni R Kangas was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni passed away on month day 1973, at age 60 in death place, California.
Rauni R Kangas in U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
Rauni R Kangas was born on month day 1912.
Rauni passed away on month day 1973, at age 60.
Rauni Kangas in 1950 United States Federal Census
Rauni Kangas was born circa 1913, in Michigan, United States.
Rauni married Lulie E Kangas.
Lulie was born circa 1915, in Michigan, United States.
They had 3 children: Virginia K Kangas, Kenneth W Kangas and Michael C Kangas.
Rauni lived in Armory Road.
He lived on April 1 1950, in Armory Road, Carlsbad, Eddy, New Mexico, United States.
Rauni Maria Ekonen (born Kangas) was born on month day 1921, in birth place.
Rauni had 6 siblings: Elma Irene Muurmaki (born Kangas), Bruno Evald Kangas and 4 other siblings.
Rauni married Muisto Oskari Ekonen.
Muisto was born on month day 1918.
Rauni passed away on month day 1996, at age 75 in death place.
Documents of Rauni Maria Ekonen (born Kangas)
Mary E. Kangas in BillionGraves
Mary E. Kangas was born in 1921.
Mary passed away in 1996, at age 75.
She was buried in Columbia Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Scappoose, Oregon, United States.
Rauni Aabraham Kangas was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
Rauni had 4 siblings: Kalervo Johannes Kangas and 3 other siblings.
Rauni married Anna Brita Kristiina Kangas (born Kamula).
Anna was born on month day 1911, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Pirkko Saija Annikki Wiren (born Kangas) and 3 other children.
They divorced.
Rauni passed away on month day 1995, at age 86 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Rauni Muisto Johannes Kangas was born on month day 1919, in birth place.
Rauni had 12 siblings: Rainer Kangas, Raija Kangas and 10 other siblings.
Rauni passed away on month day 1919, at age less than one in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Rauni Marjatta Pietilä (born Kangas) was born on month day 1934.
Rauni married Esko Olavi Pietilä.
Esko was born on month day 1932.
They had 4 children: Jarmo Olavi Pietilä and 3 other children.
Rauni passed away on month day 1982, at age 48.
Rauni Kangas (born Aikio) was born on month day 1934.
Rauni married Juhani Kangas.
Juhani was born on month day 1933, in birth place.
They had one child.
Rauni passed away on month day 2021, at age 87.
Rauni Anneli (DNA) Miettinen (born Kangas) was born in 1943, in birth place.
Rauni had one sister: Meeri Margit Vänttinen (born Kangas).
Rauni married Mr. Miettinen.
They had one child.
Rauni passed away.
Rauni Vilma E Maki (born Kangas) was born on date, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni had 7 siblings: Vilna Maki (born Kangas), Julia M Kangas and 5 other siblings.
Rauni married Lawrence Hinri Maki on month day 1932, in marriage place, Michigan.
Lawrence was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Michigan.
They had one child.
They divorced on month day 1941, in divorce place.
Personal Info
Rauni lived in address, Michigan.
She lived in 1920, in address, Michigan.
She lived in 4 more places.
Rauni passed away on date, in death place, Michigan.
She was buried in burial place, Michigan.
Documents of Rauni Vilma E Maki (born Kangas)
Rauni Kangas in 1920 United States Federal Census
Rauni Kangas was born circa 1912, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni had 2 siblings: Sulo Kangas and one other sibling.
Rauni lived in 1920, in address, Michigan.
Rauni Aapraminpoika Kangas was born in 1908.
Rauni had one sibling.
Rauni married Ms. Kangas (born Kamula).
They had one child.
Rauni passed away.
Record image of Rauni Kangas (born Aikio)

Rauni Kangas (born Aikio)

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Rauni Kangas (born Aikio) was born in birth place.
Rauni had 4 siblings: Irma Hirvonen (born Aikio) and 3 other siblings.
Rauni married Juhani Kangas.
They had 5 children: Markku Kangas and 4 other children.
Rauni passed away in death place.
Rauni Marjatta Pietilä (born Kangas) was born on March 15 1934.
Rauni passed away on August 7 2012, at age 78.
She was buried in Oulun Hautausmaa, Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Finland.
Rauni Rudolph Kangas was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni had 4 siblings: Arvi Kangas and 3 other siblings.
Rauni married Lyyli Elizabeth Kangas (born Ketola) on month day 1937, at age 24 in marriage place, Michigan.
Lyyli was born on month day 1914, in birth place, Michigan.
They had 2 sons: Michael Edward Kangas and one other child.
Personal Info
Rauni lived in address.
He lived in 1920, in address, Michigan.
He lived in 3 more places.
Rauni passed away on month day 1973, at age 60 in death place, California.
He was buried in burial place, Michigan.
Rauni Vilma E Maki (born Kangas) was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni had 2 siblings: John Sulo Kangas and one other sibling.
Rauni married Lawrence Henry Maki on month day 1932, at age 20 in marriage place, Michigan.
Lawrence was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Michigan.
They had one son: Lawrence Milton Maki.
They divorced on month day 1941, in divorce place, Michigan.
Personal Info
Rauni lived in 1920, in address, Michigan.
She lived in 1930, in address, Michigan.
She lived in 2 more places.
Rauni passed away on month day 1973, at age 60 in death place, Michigan.
She was buried in burial place, Michigan.
Rauni Marjatta Pietilä (born Kangas) was born on month day 1934.
Rauni married Esko Olavi Pietilä.
Esko was born on month day 1932.
They had one son: Jarmo Olavi Pietilä.
Rauni passed away on month day 2012, at age 78 in death place.
Rauni Marja Kangas was born on month day 1921, in birth place.
Rauni had 6 siblings: Elma Irene Muurmaki (born Kangas), Paavo Ensio Kangas and 4 other siblings.
Rauni passed away on month day 1996, at age 75.
Rauni, Rudolph Kangas was born on month day 1913, in birth place, Michigan.
Rauni married Lulie Ketola.
Lulie was born in birth place, Michigan.
They had 2 sons: Michael Charles Kangas and one other child.
Rauni passed away on month day 1973, at age 59.
He was buried in burial place, Michigan.
Record image of Rauni Kangas

Rauni Kangas

Geni World Family Tree
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Rauni Kangas married Unknown Kangas.
They had 4 children: Virginia Kathleen Nelson (born Kangas) and 3 other children.
Rauni then married Lulie, Elizabeth Kangas (born Ketola).
Lulie was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
Record image of Rauni R Kangas

Rauni R Kangas, born Circa 1913

1940 United States Federal Census
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Rauni R Kangas was born circa 1913, in Michigan, USA.
Rauni married Lulie E Kangas.
Lulie was born circa 1915, in Michigan, USA.
They had one son: Michael Kangas.
Personal Info
Rauni lived in 1935, in Same Place - 408, Carlsbad, Eddy, New Mexico, USA.
He lived in 1940, in 408, Carlsbad, Eddy, New Mexico, USA.
Record image of Rauni Kangas

Rauni Kangas, born Circa 1913

1930 United States Federal Census
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Rauni Kangas was born circa 1913, in birth place, Michigan.
Personal Info
Rauni lived in 1930, in address, Michigan.
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