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Olga Kristine Pedersdatter Haugen (born Feragen) was born on month day 1904, in birth place.
Olga had 11 siblings: Ole Pedersen Feragen, Karen Lusie Pedersdatter Korssjøen (born Feragen) and 9 other siblings.
Olga married Kristian Hartvig Haugen (født Bystadhaugen).
Kristian was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Leif Inge Hartvigsen Haugen, Mary Pauline Langen (born Haugen) and 6 other children.
Olga passed away on month day 1973, at age 69 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Olga Kristine Pedersdatter Haugen (born Feragen)
Olga Kristine Pedersdatter Feragen in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Kristian Hatvik Rustadhaugen was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
Kristian married Olga Kristine Pedersdatter Feragen on month day 1931, at age 23 in marriage place.
Kristian lived in address.
Olga Kristine Pedersdatter Bystadhaugen (Haugen) (born Feragen) was born on month day 1909, in birth place.
Olga married Hartvig Kristian Bystadhaugen / Haugen.
Hartvig was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Leif Inge Hartvigsen Haugen, Mary Pauline - Langen (born Haugen) and 3 other children.
Olga passed away on month day 1973, at age 64.
She was buried in burial place.
Olga Johnsdtr. Feragen (born Brynhildsvold) was born on month day 1921.
Olga married Leif Georg Feragen.
Leif was born on month day 1917.
They had one child.
Olga passed away on month day 1955, at age 34.
Olga Melbye (born Feragen) was born on month day 1889, in birth place, Minnesota.
Olga had 2 sisters: Olga Melbye (born Feragaan) and one other sibling.
Olga married Oscar Carl William Melbye on month day 1908, at age 19 in marriage place, Minnesota.
Oscar was born on month day 1879, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 7 children: James Orville Melbye, Unknown Melbye and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Olga lived in 1900, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 1905, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 3 more places.
Olga passed away on month day 1979, at age 89 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place, Minnesota.
Documents of Olga Melbye (born Feragen)
Olga Melbye in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Olga Melbye was born on November 19 1889.
Olga lived in Renville, Minnesota 56284, USA.
Olga passed away in July 1979, at age 89.
Olga Feragen in 1900 United States Federal Census
Olga Feragen was born in month 1889, in birth place, Minnesota.
Olga had one sister: Mable Feragen.
Olga lived in 1900, in address, Minnesota.
Olga Melbye in 1910 United States Federal Census
Olga Melbye was born circa 1890, in birth place, Minnesota.
Olga married Oscar W Melbye.
Oscar was born circa 1880, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had one son: James O Melbye.
Olga lived in 1910, in address, Minnesota.
Olga Melbye in Minnesota, Death Index, 1904-2001
Olga Melbye passed away on month day 1979, in death place, Minnesota.
Olga Minna Amanda Keeney (born Krueger) was born on month day 1893, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Olga married Charles D. (Chick) Keeney on month day 1913, at age 20 in marriage place, Wisconsin.
Charles was born on month day 1887, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 2 children: Russell Charles Keeney and one other child.
They divorced.
Olga then married Irvin Richard Feragen on month day 1932, at age 39 in marriage place, Illinois.
Irvin was born on month day 1889, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Personal Info
Her occupations were occupation and occupation.
Olga passed away in 1966, at age 72.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Olga Henriksdatter Feragen (born Jensvold) was born on month day 1920.
Olga had 3 siblings: Borghild Henriksdatter Jensvold and 2 other siblings.
Olga married Gustav Feragen.
Gustav was born on month day 1919.
Olga passed away in 2013, at age 92 in death place.
Olga Thorvaldsen was born on month day 1879.
Olga had 2 brothers: Aksel Thorvaldsen and one other sibling.
Olga passed away on month day 1925, at age 46.
Documents of Olga Thorvaldsen
Olga Thorvaldsen in 1910 Norway Census
Olga Thorvaldsen was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Olga lived in 1910, in address.
Olga Magdalence Torvaldsen in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Olga Magdalence Torvaldsen was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Olga was buried on month day 1925, in burial place.
Olga Magdalene Thorvoldsen in 1891 Norway Census
Olga Magdalene Thorvoldsen was born in 1879, in birth place.
Olga had 2 brothers: John Henry Thorvoldsen and one other sibling.
Olga lived in 1891, in address.
Olga Torvaldsen in 1900 Norway Census
Olga Torvaldsen was born in 1879, in birth place.
Olga had 2 brothers: John Torvaldsen and one other sibling.
Olga lived in 1900, in address.
Olga FERAGEN (born KRUEGER) was born in 1893, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Olga married Irvin Richard FERAGEN.
Irvin was born on month day 1889, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Olga then married Charles Don "Chick" KEENEY.
Charles was born on month day 1887.
They had 2 sons: Russell C KEENEY and one other child.
Olga passed away in 1966, at age 73.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Olga A Feragen was born circa 1894, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Personal Info
Olga lived in 1935, in address, Wisconsin.
She lived on month day 1940, in address, Wisconsin.
Olga Johnsdtr Feragen (born Brynhildsvoll) married Leif Georg Fastesen Feragen.
Leif was born on month day 1917.
Olga passed away.
Record image of Olga Olsdatter Feragen

Olga Olsdatter Feragen

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Olga Olsdatter Feragen had 5 siblings: Ida Olsdatter Feragen, Johnny Olsen Feragen and 3 other siblings.
Olga passed away.
Olga feragen (born Brynhildsvold) married Leif feragen.
They had one child.
Olga passed away.
Olga Melbye (born Feragen) was born on month day 1889, in birth place, Minnesota.
Olga had one sister: Mable Brummund (born Feragen).
Olga married Oscar Carl William Melbye on month day 1908, at age 19 in marriage place, Minnesota.
Oscar was born on month day 1879, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 7 children: James Orville Melbye, Unknown Melbye and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Olga lived in 1900, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 1905, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 3 more places.
Olga passed away on month day 1979, at age 89 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place, Minnesota.
Olga Melbye (born Feragen) was born on month day 1889, in birth place, Minnesota.
Olga had 2 sisters: Olga Melbye (born Feragen) and one other sibling.
Olga married Oscar Carl William Melbye in 1884.
Oscar was born on month day 1879, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had one son: Franklin Randolph or Fritz Melbye.
Olga passed away on month day 1979, at age 89 in death place, Minnesota.
She was buried in burial place, Minnesota.
Olga Feragen was born on month day 1889.
Olga had 5 siblings: Joe Feragen, Berthe Feragen and 3 other siblings.
Olga married Oscar, Carl Melbye.
They had 9 children: Franklin Melbye, Maxwell Melbye and 7 other children.
Olga passed away on month day 1979, at age 89.
Olga Feragen was born on month day 1889, in birth place, Minnesota.
Olga married Oscar, Carl William Melbye.
Oscar was born on month day 1879, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had one son: Robert Curtis ("Bob") Melbye.
Olga passed away on month day 1979, at age 89 in death place, Minnesota.
Olga Kristine, Pedersdtr Haugen (born Feragen) was born in 1904, in birth place.
Olga had 11 siblings: Anders Peder Feragen, Gjertrud Pedersdatter Feragen and 9 other siblings.
Olga married Hartvig Kristian, Mattiassen Haugen.
Hartvig was born in 1908, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Leif Inge Haugen, Oddbjørg Bukkvold (born Haugen) and 3 other children.
Record image of Olga A Feragen

Olga A Feragen, born Circa 1894

1950 United States Federal Census
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Olga A Feragen was born circa 1894, in Wisconsin, United States.
Olga married Irwin R Feragen.
Irwin was born circa 1890, in Wisconsin, United States.
Personal Info
Olga lived on April 1 1950, in Weyauwega, Waupaca, Wisconsin, United States.
Record image of Olga Feragen

Olga Feragen, born Circa 1890

1905 Minnesota State Census
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Olga Feragen was born circa 1890, in birth place, Minnesota.
Personal Info
Olga lived in 1905, in address, Minnesota.
Record image of Olga Feragen

Olga Feragen, born 1923

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Robert Curtiss Melbye was born on month day 1923, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Olga Feragen

Olga Feragen, born 1922

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Robert Curtiss Melbye was born on month day 1922, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Olga Feragen

Olga Feragen, born 1917

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Octavia Melbye Vangilder was born on month day 1917, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Olga Feragen

Olga Feragen, born 1917

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Octavia Melbye Brown was born on month day 1917, in birth place, Minnesota.
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