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Record image of Minnie Klieves

Minnie Klieves in The Washington Reporter - ‎Mar 9 1898

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... of the Amity region, nrc brothers of thc The funeral took pince Wednesday nt 1 p. m.. tho Interment being ln a burying ground near the Swart home. MRS. MINNIE KLIEVES. Mrs. Minnie died at lior homo on South Frankiln night. march 7, at lt o'clock 54 years. Consumption wus tho and hnd becu falling rapidly for months. Klieves was boni ln Hanover, ..."
Publication place: Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, United States
"... Moundsvllle, 56; David Davis, Aly, SC. Additional?A. L. Crites, French Creek, 58 to 510. Increase?Thomas Carden, Shlnnston, 514 to 517. Certificate of widow'* pension has been issued also to Minnie Klieves, Washington. Pa., 58 per month. West Virginia postmaster* of the fourth class have been appointed a?TTr)llows: William R. Cook. Siberia. Mercer county; G. M. Atkinson, Walnvllle, Webster county The Sanation, ..."
Publication place: Wheeling, Ohio, West Virginia
Record image of Minnie Klieves

Minnie Klieves in The Washington Reporter - ‎Mar 8 1898

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... that city. Mr. Wiley thinks he will remain ln San Antonlo until June or July. Dr. Cundall wlli perhaps stop a month, and then return to Washington. ROLL. MRS. MINNIE KLIEVES. Airs. Minnie Klieves at her home on South Franklin night. Mareh 7, al ll o'clock, aged 54 yours. Consumption was the aliment and she had heen falling rapidly for several mouths. Mrs. Klieves was born ln Hanover, Germany, coming to America when about li years of agr Washington ^county. luncheon was also provided for the guests who were charmingly entertained by the hospitality ..."
Publication place: Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Minnie Klieves

Minnie Klieves in The Philadelphia Record - ‎Mar 25 1898

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... John Meadville, Srt to SIO: Havill Kuckel. $14 to SIT. H. Renninger. $S. Reissue and Increase F. Sl nyc 31 ouh $12 to $24. Original widows, etr.? marcu 15- Minnie Klieves. JS: Wilk rre, $8; Elixabeth chr Inman. Highman-, Js; Nancy E, ('murron. Cynthiana. $12. special. Kl. E. $s. lieh Roth, $12. New Jersey- Halsey, Tren, $10; Joseph Dolger. $12; John ..."
Publication place: Philadeplhia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, United States
Minnie Klieves (born Fattman) was born in 1868, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Minnie had 7 siblings: Wilhemina Fattman (born Klein or Kline), Emma A Fattman and 5 other siblings.
Minnie married John Ferdinand Klieves.
Personal Info
Minnie lived in 1880, in address, Pennsylvania.
She lived in 1910, in address, Pennsylvania.
She lived in 2 more places.
Record image of Minnie H Klieves

Minnie H Klieves, born Circa 1888

1930 United States Federal Census
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Minnie H Klieves was born circa 1888, in birth place, North Dakota.
Minnie had one son: Carrol Klieves.
Personal Info
Minnie lived in 1930, in address, Washington.
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