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Mary Lacy Holman (born Nailling) was born on month day 1839, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary married George Randolph Holman on month day 1855, at age 15 in marriage place, Tennessee.
George was born on month day 1825, in birth place, Virginia.
They had 11 children: Mary Ann Elizabeth Dodd (born Holman), Alice F Holeman and 9 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1850, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 1860, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 5 more places.
Mary passed away on month day 1937, at age 97 in death place, Tennessee.
She was buried in burial place, Tennessee.
Documents of Mary Lacy Holman (born Nailling)
Mary Lacy Holman (born Nailling) in The Commercial - Nov 20 1908

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... Cleveland, Ohio. Children Entertained. A doll reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R. Green Monday afternoon Jan. 8, from 2:80 to 4:80. Littlo Miss Willo was assisted by Miss Mary Arden Nailling in receiving. The dolls were lovely as were their "little all in bright array. "Bubber" Austin Nailling, Jr.) brought a ul Teddy bear. He told a very ic little story of why he brought instead ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee, USA
Mary Lacy Holman (born Nailling) in The Commercial - May 26 1922

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... 95.25.. 18 Novella Wilkerson av. 94.51. 17 Scientific course: Units, Elizabeth Alexander ...... 16 Joe M. Callico't 16 Bernice Flack . 16 Emeritt Flippin 17 Mozelle Glover 17 Noel Glover 18 Mary Arden Nailling 16 Ruth Powell 16 Charles Reynolds 17 Sallie Jewell Stone 17 Mary .Louise Shropshire .... 20Yz Landrith Thomas 16 Commercial course: Units. Opal Glisson 16 ' Harry Grissom 16 Annie Margaret ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee, USA
Mary Lacy Holman (born Nailling) in The Boston Globe - Feb 16 1924

Massachusetts Newspapers, 1704-1974

"... i again or lf m• Maj Carson, Adet e. Coffin, Alex Levine. W. A. Has- j an< entertainer- Mel The Somerville High School debating she was arrested und found cuilty on a Marr. Ada Earr, Mary A. Nailling. icm. W. W. Souter, (’harles H. Adams, charge of seiling liquor sh. would Ko Louls Ailles. Ethel K irkpatrick and s. s. Forter. Arthur Hill, executive jail. During the night sric asked ..."
Publication place: Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, United States
Mary Arden Scates (born Nailling) was born on month day 1902, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 7 siblings: Virginia Carvel Nailling, Benjamin Nailling and 5 other siblings.
Mary married Mr. Scates on month day 1953, at age 50 in marriage place, Kentucky.
They had one child.
Mary passed away on month day 1987, at age 84 in death place, Tennessee.
Documents of Mary Arden Scates (born Nailling)
Mary Arden Scates (born Nailling) in The Commercial - Dec 30 1910

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... where he will have a Bt his home near Nashville. Dr. Prather enjoyed Christmas dinner at his home near State Line. Mrs. Maud Curlin continues very sick at her home on East Flower. Little Mary Arden Nailling has re covered from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Haskins have re turned from a visit to Ridgely. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jernigan are visiting near Harris this week. . Mrs. W alter Howell ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee, USA
Mary Scates in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Mary Scates was born on December 18 1902.
Mary lived in Union City, Tennessee 38261, USA.
Mary passed away in March 1987, at age 84.
Mary Margaret Nailling was born on month day 1899, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 7 siblings: Benjamin Nailling, Virginia Carvel Nailling and 5 other siblings.
Mary passed away on month day 1909, at age 9 in death place, Kentucky.
She was buried in burial place, Tennessee.
Documents of Mary Margaret Nailling
Mary Margaret Nailling in The Commercial - Sep 3 1909

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... the number attending the funeral of G. S. Hardy. Latimer & McCutchan 's new cash shoe store sells them for less. Mrs. Ethel Cary Farrar was here last week attending the funeral of Mrs. Cary's little niece, Margaret Nailling. Mr. and Mrs. Alf M. Taylor and little son, Dick, have returned from a ten days trip to Dawson Springs and Paducah. 2 Call 150 Union City Ice & Coal Co. and get summer prices ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee, USA
Margaret Nailling in Tennessee Deaths
Margaret Nailling passed away in 1909, in death place, Tennessee.
Mary Arden Nailling in Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
Genealogy record of Mary Arden Nailling in Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
Mary "Mollie" Nailling (born Jones) was born on month day 1838, in birth place.
Mary married Edward P. Nailling.
Edward was born circa 1836, in birth place, Mississippi.
They had one son: James E. Nailling.
Mary passed away on month day 1916, at age 77 in death place, Arkansas.
Documents of Mary "Mollie" Nailling (born Jones)
Mary "Mollie" Nailling (born Jones) in The Commercial - Aug 21 1914

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... and Ruth Adine Carter; the bridesmaids in pink, Ruth Harrison and Margaret Hale; father and mother of tbe groom, Thos. Lee and Louise Driver; father and mother of the bride, Geo. Kenney and Mary Virginia Nailling; bachelors, Giover Scliicifur and Brice; the ushers, Joe Kenney and Gus Carter; old maids, Sara Pickard, Helen Dahnke, Margaret Turner and Louise Spradlin; ribbon bearer, Ruth Watts ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee, USA
Mary Pritchard in England & Wales, Death Index, 1837-2005
Mary Pritchard was born circa 1839.
Mary passed away in month 1916, at age 77 in death place.
Mary Nailing in 1850 United States Federal Census
Mary Nailing was born circa 1839, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 5 siblings: Edward Nailing, Robert Nailing and 3 other siblings.
Mary lived in 1850, in address, Tennessee.
Mary Addie Nailling was born in month 1894, in birth place, Texas.
Mary had 9 siblings: John Nailling, James Edward Nailling and 7 other siblings.
Documents of Mary Addie Nailling
Mary Addie Nailling in The Commercial - May 19 1922

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers, 1791-1963

"... Burrus, Nelle Bond Joe Callicott, Bernipe Flack, John T. Flack, Katherine Garrigan, Opal Glisson, Harry Grissom, Levi Jordan, Annie Margaret McClanahan, Mozelle Glover, Noel L. Glover, Mary Arden Nailling, Jessie Roberta JPruett, Ruth Powell, James L. Rippy, Charles Rey nolds, Betsy Spradlin, Sallie Jewel Stone, Mary Lee Schmidt, Earl Smith, Mary Louise Shropshire , Landrith Thomas, Sue Wheeler ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee, USA
Record image of Mary Arden Nailling

Mary Arden Nailling in The commercial - ‎May 28 1915

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Bramham. Galop, four hands . : Rosewig Ida Wilson, Anna Margaret Mc Clanahan. Home Sweet Home Mary Kate Stalpup. Floreine, vocal Schuster Chas. D. Moss. Melody of Love Engleman Mary Arden Nailling. Sleighride, four hands Treloar Misses McAlister. Rose Leaf Mazurka Helen Catherine Whitesell. Military March . Sousa Mary Kate Daniels. Love's Dream Heins Minnie Lee Beeler. Song of the Alps Ryder ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee
Record image of Mary A. Nailling

Mary A. Nailling in The commercial - ‎July 28 1922

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... DON'T WAIT. Next Sunday is "Lessons from Great Missionaries." What are the people on the other side of the globe doing for Christ? Come and learn something new. Miss Mary A. Nailling will lead and we are sure you will enjoy this meeting. Dr. Paul Joyner will also be with us in this meeting at the Christian Church Sunday evening at seven ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee
Record image of Mary Arden Nailling

Mary Arden Nailling in The commercial - ‎June 23 1911

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... was a visitor at Woodland this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Downing have returned from Memphis. We will shade your house for you. Phone 99. . Little Miss Mary Arden Nailling is visiting in Johnson City. Mrs. T. M. Bogle, of Kenton, was a visitor in the city Tuesday. Hardy & Glass for hay, corn, oats and bran. Harry Cook, of ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee
Record image of Mary Arden Nailling

Mary Arden Nailling in The commercial - ‎Apr 30 1920

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
View record
"... it will pay you to get our prices. Cherry-Moss Grain) Co. V Junior Matinee Music Club. The Junior Matinee Music Club held its final meeting for this year with Mary Arden Nailling on April 24, 1920. After an interesting lesson,, which was led by Sara Spradlin, the follow ing program was rendered: "Butterfly" (Grieg), Louise Sprad-lln."O, Thou Sublime Sweet Evening Star" (Wagner), ..."
Publication place: Union City, Obion, Tennessee
Mary Lacy Holman (born Nailling) was born on month day 1839, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 9 siblings: William Lewis Nailing, John Nelson Nailing and 7 other siblings.
Mary married George Randolph Holman on month day 1855, at age 15 in marriage place, Tennessee.
George was born on month day 1825, in birth place, Virginia.
They had 12 children: Martha H Holeman, Mary Ann Elizabeth Dodd (born Holman) and 10 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1850, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 1860, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 5 more places.
Mary passed away on month day 1937, at age 97 in death place, Tennessee.
She was buried in burial place, Tennessee.
Mary Arden Scates (born Nailling) was born on month day 1902, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 7 siblings: Ima Cary Ring (born Nailling), Mary Margaret Nailling and 5 other siblings.
Mary married Charles Herman Scates on month day 1953, at age 50 in marriage place, Kentucky.
Charles was born on month day 1903, in birth place, Tennessee.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1910, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 1920, in address, Tennessee.
She lived in 2 more places.
Mary passed away in 1987, at age 84 in death place, Tennessee.
Mary Margaret Nailling was born on month day 1899, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 7 siblings: Ima Cary Ring (born Nailling), Mary Arden Scates (born Nailling) and 5 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1900, in address, Tennessee.
Mary passed away on month day 1909, at age 9 in death place, Kentucky.
Record image of Mary Nailling

Mary Nailling, born 1865

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Mary Nailling was born in 1865, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 10 siblings: Bell Nailing, Roger Nailing and 8 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1880, in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary A Nailling

Mary A Nailling, born Circa 1901

1940 United States Federal Census
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Mary A Nailling was born circa 1901, in Tennessee, USA, to Will A Se Nailling and Ima C Nailling.
Mary had 2 brothers: Will A Jr Nailling and Sam Nailling.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1935, in Same Place - 602 Main, Union, 13th Civil District, Obion, Tennessee, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 602 Main, Union, 13th Civil District, Obion, Tennessee, USA.
Record image of Mary Nailling

Mary Nailling, born Circa 1900

1940 United States Federal Census
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Mary Nailling was born circa 1900, in Tennessee, USA.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1935, in R, Lake, Tennessee.
She lived in 1940, in Highway 21, C D No 2, Lake, Tennessee, USA.
Record image of Mary A Nailling

Mary A Nailling, born Circa 1903

1950 United States Federal Census
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Mary A Nailling was born circa 1903, in Tennessee, United States, to Wm A Nailling and Ima K Nailling.
Mary had one brother: Wm A Nailling.
Personal Info
Mary lived in Going West on Main.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 620 Going West on Main, Union City, Obion, Tennessee, United States.
Record image of Mary J Nailling

Mary J Nailling, born Circa 1932

1950 United States Federal Census
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Mary J Nailling was born circa 1932, in Oklahoma, United States.
Mary married James B Nailling.
James was born circa 1925, in Texas, United States.
They had one daughter: Thelma E Nailling.
Personal Info
Mary lived in Hederen.
She lived on April 1 1950, in 1311 Hederen, Dallas, Dallas, Texas, United States.
Mary, Lacy Holman (born Nailling) was born on month day 1840, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary married George, Randolph Holman.
George was born on month day 1825, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had one daughter: Adel Modena Blakemore-Fulcher (born Holman).
Mary passed away on month day 1937, at age 96 in death place, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary E Nailling

Mary E Nailling, 1923 - 1993

U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
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Mary E Nailling was born on February 10 1923.
Personal Info
Mary lived in Mesquite, Texas 75150, USA.
Mary passed away in January 1993, at age 69.
Record image of Mary Nailling

Mary Nailling, born Circa 1850

1880 United States Federal Census
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Mary Nailling was born circa 1850, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary married Robert Nailling.
Robert was born circa 1823, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had 7 children: Cora Mc Elroy, Jorden Nailling and 5 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1880, in address, Tennessee.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Mary Nailling

Mary Nailling, born Circa 1865

1880 United States Federal Census
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Mary Nailling was born circa 1865, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 8 siblings: Rustey Nailling, Anna Nailling and 6 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1880, in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary Nailling

Mary Nailling, born Circa 1871

1880 United States Federal Census
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Mary Nailling was born circa 1871, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 2 siblings: Josephine Nailling and one other sibling.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1880, in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary A Nailling

Mary A Nailling, born Circa 1903

1920 United States Federal Census
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Mary A Nailling was born circa 1903, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 4 siblings: William A Nailling Jr and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary A Nailling

Mary A Nailling, born Circa 1896

1920 United States Federal Census
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Mary A Nailling was born circa 1896, in birth place, Texas.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Oklahoma.
Record image of Mary E Nailling

Mary E Nailling, born Circa 1869

1920 United States Federal Census
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Mary E Nailling was born circa 1869, in birth place, Kentucky.
Mary had 3 children: Justin E Atteberry and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Kentucky.
Record image of Mary A Nailling

Mary A Nailling, born Circa 1903

1930 United States Federal Census
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Mary A Nailling was born circa 1903, in birth place, Tennessee.
Mary had 4 siblings: Will Austin Nailling and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1930, in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary E Nailling

Mary E Nailling, born Circa 1884

1930 United States Federal Census
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Mary E Nailling was born circa 1884, in birth place, Tennessee.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1930, in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary Jane Nailling

Mary Jane Nailling, born Circa 1851

1870 United States Federal Census
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Mary Jane Nailling was born circa 1851, in birth place, Virginia.
Mary married John Nailling.
John was born circa 1844, in birth place, Tennessee.
They had one son: Charles A Nailling.
Personal Info
Mary lived on month day 1870, in address, Tennessee.
Bill M Jr Floyd was born circa 1944.
Bill married Mary L Nailling on October 20 1977, at age 33 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Elva Leo Jr Boss was born circa 1949.
Elva married Mary Louise Nailling on September 28 1968, at age 19 in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Roddie L Crosby was born circa 1939.
Roddie married Mary E Nailling on October 2 1977, at age 38 in Harris, Texas, USA.
Record image of Mary Nailling

Mary Nailling, born Circa 1824

1850 United States Federal Census
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Mary Nailling was born circa 1824, in birth place.
Mary married Thimothy Nailling.
Thimothy was born circa 1822, in birth place.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1850, in address, Louisiana.
Record image of Mary J Nailling

Mary J Nailling, born Circa 1829

1850 United States Federal Census
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Mary J Nailling was born circa 1829, in birth place.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1850, in address, Louisiana.
Record image of Mary Etta Nailling

Mary Etta Nailling, born Circa 1869

1910 United States Federal Census
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Mary Etta Nailling was born circa 1869, in birth place, Kentucky.
Mary had 3 children: Justin E Attebery and 2 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1910, in address, Kentucky.
Record image of Mary Elo Nailling

Mary Elo Nailling, born 1923

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Mary Elo Nailling was born on month day 1923.
Record image of Mary NAILLING

Mary NAILLING, born 1868

France, Vital Records Index
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Antoinette SCALER was born on month day 1868, in birth place.
Record image of Mary Etta Nailling

Mary Etta Nailling

Tennessee Confederate Pension Applications
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Joseph Willis. Nailling married Mary Etta Nailling.
Personal Info
Joseph lived in address, Tennessee.
Record image of Mary Elinor Nailling

Mary Elinor Nailling

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Mary Elinor Nailling
Record image of Mary Elinor Nailling

Mary Elinor Nailling

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Mary Elinor Nailling
Record image of Mary Elinor Nailling

Mary Elinor Nailling

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Mary Elinor Nailling
Record image of Mary Arden Nailling

Mary Arden Nailling

Historical Books - Index of Authors and People Mentioned, 1811-2003
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Genealogy record of Mary Arden Nailling
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