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Mary Caroline Dahm (born Katterhagen) was born on month day 1929, in birth place.
Mary had 2 brothers: Harvey Francis Katterhagen and one other sibling.
Mary married Donald Irvine (Donnie) Dahm.
Donald was born on month day 1923, in birth place.
Mary passed away on month day 2016, at age 86 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Mary Catherine (MABEL) Wieners (born Katterhagen) was born on month day 1906, in birth place.
Mary had 11 siblings: Alice Margaret (Baptized Elizabeth Margaret) Daniels (born Ketterhagen), Zacharias CLARENCE Katterhagen and 9 other siblings.
Mary married Fred Wieners on month day 1931, at age 24 in marriage place, Wisconsin.
Fred was born on month day 1904, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 3 sons: Paul Wieners and 2 other children.
Mary passed away on month day 1990, at age 83 in death place.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Mary Catherine (MABEL) Wieners (born Katterhagen)
Mabel Wieners in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Mabel Wieners was born on December 8 1906.
Mabel lived in USA.
Mabel passed away on March 16 1990, at age 83.
Mabel Ketterhagen in 1910 United States Federal Census
Mabel Ketterhagen was born circa 1907, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mabel had 3 siblings: Clarence Ketterhagen and 2 other siblings.
Mabel lived in 1910, in address, Wisconsin.
Mabel Ketterhagen in 1920 United States Federal Census
Mabel Ketterhagen was born circa 1907, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mabel had 7 siblings: Clarence Ketterhagen, Cordella Ketterhagen and 5 other siblings.
Mabel lived in 1920, in address, Wisconsin.
Mabel Wieners in 1940 United States Federal Census
Mabel Wieners was born circa 1907, in Wisconsin, USA.
Mabel married Fred Wieners.
Fred was born circa 1904, in Wisconsin, USA.
They had 3 sons: Paul Wieners, Mark Wieners and Richard Wieners.
Mabel lived in 1940, in Route 2 Henry Creek Road, Burlington Town, Racine, Wisconsin, USA.
Mary ELISABETH Katterhagen (born Busch) was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Mary had 14 siblings: Anna Marie Katterhagen (born Busch), Henry J Busch and 12 other siblings.
Mary married Joseph Verhalen.
Joseph was born on month day 1888, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary then married Unknown.
They had 2 daughters: Della E Verhalen and one other child.
Mary passed away on month day 1876, at age one in death place, Wisconsin.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Mary ELISABETH Katterhagen (born Busch)
Lizzie Busch in 1880 United States Federal Census
Lizzie Busch was born circa 1875, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Lizzie had 4 brothers: Henry Busch and 3 other siblings.
Lizzie lived in 1880, in address, Wisconsin.
Mary Elisabeth (LIZZIE) Katterhagen (born Busch) was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Mary married JOHN Bernard Katterhagen on month day 1895, at age 20 in marriage place, Wisconsin.
JOHN was born on month day 1870, in birth place.
Mary passed away on month day 1976, at age 101 in death place, Wisconsin.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Mary Elisabeth (LIZZIE) Katterhagen (born Busch)
Lizzie Ketterhagen in 1910 United States Federal Census
Lizzie Ketterhagen was born circa 1875, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Lizzie married John Ketterhagen.
John was born circa 1871, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 3 children: Herbert Ketterhagen and 2 other children.
Lizzie lived in 1910, in address, Wisconsin.
Elizabeth M Ketterhagen in 1920 United States Federal Census
Elizabeth M Ketterhagen was born circa 1875, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Elizabeth married J F Ketterhagen.
J was born circa 1871, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 4 children: Herbert Z Ketterhagen and 3 other children.
Elizabeth lived in 1920, in address, Wisconsin.
Elizabeth Katterhagen in 1900 United States Federal Census
Elizabeth Katterhagen was born in month 1874, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Elizabeth married John Katterhagen circa 1895, at age 20.
John was born in month 1870, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 2 sons: Herbert Katterhagen and one other child.
Elizabeth lived in 1900, in address, Wisconsin.
Mary Katterhagen (born Elderbrook) was born circa 1870, in birth place.
Mary had 5 siblings: William A. Katterhagen, Frank J. Katterhagen and 3 other siblings.
Mary married Cyril William Katterhagen on month day 1944, at age 74 in marriage place, Wisconsin.
Cyril was born on month day 1915, in birth place.
Personal Info
Her occupation was a occupation.
Mary passed away on month day 1974, at age 104 in death place.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Mary Katterhagen (born Elderbrook)
Mary Elderbrook in 1920 United States Federal Census
Mary Elderbrook was born circa 1919, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Wisconsin.
Mary Elderbrook in 1940 United States Federal Census
Mary Elderbrook was born circa 1919, to William Elderbrook and Lillian Elderbrook.
Mary had 3 siblings: Frank Elderbrook, Edward Elderbrook and Helen Elderbrook.
Mary lived in 1935, in Same House - Route 3 Chicago Road, Burlington Town, Racine, Wisconsin, USA.
She lived in 1940, in Route 3 Chicago Road, Burlington Town, Racine, Wisconsin, USA.
Mary Florence Gaffke, Gaffke (born Katterhagen), Gaffke was born in 1912, in birth place, Minnesota.
Mary married George Joseph Gaffke on month day 1929, at age 17 in marriage place, Minnesota.
George was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 10 children: Sherlin Mary Gaffke, Bernard George Gaffke and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 1930, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 2 more places.
Mary passed away on month day 2004, at age 92.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Mary Florence Gaffke, Gaffke (born Katterhagen)
Mary Florence Gaffke, Gaffke (born Katterhagen) in The Calgary Herald - May 23 1950

Canada Newspapers, 1752-2007

"... insel willi lace. Her floor- length embroidered vell was caught by n crown of seed pearls and sric carried nn orchid and yellow roses on a while salin prayer The maid of lionor was Miss Florence Katterhagen, sisler of the bride. sric chose n pale green gown complemented willi n matching chanel vell held in place hy a of flowers, and carried a of yellow roses Intermingled wilh sweet pens. Miss ..."
Publication place: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Mary Gaffke in 1940 United States Federal Census
Mary Gaffke was born circa 1912, in Minnesota, USA.
Mary married George Gaffke.
George was born circa 1908, in Minnesota, USA.
They had 5 children: Gerald Gaffke, Mary Ann Gaffke, Eugene Gaffke, Donna Mae Gaffke and Bernard Gaffke.
Mary lived in 1935, in Same Place - Little Elk, Todd, Minnesota, USA.
She lived in 1940, in Little Elk, Todd, Minnesota, USA.
Mary Gaffke in 1930 United States Federal Census
Mary Gaffke was born circa 1912, in birth place, Minnesota.
Mary married George Gaffke.
George was born circa 1908, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had one son: Gerald Gaffke.
Mary lived in 1930, in address, Minnesota.
Mary Catherine Ketterhagen (born Rother) was born on month day 1863, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary married John Bernard Katterhagen circa 1885, at age 21 in marriage place, Wisconsin.
John was born on month day 1862, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had one son: Lawrence Albert Ketterhagen.
Mary passed away on month day 1941, at age 78 in death place, Wisconsin.
Documents of Mary Catherine Ketterhagen (born Rother)
Mary Ketterhagen in 1920 United States Federal Census
Mary Ketterhagen was born circa 1863, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary married John Ketterhagen.
John was born circa 1862, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had one daughter: Elma Ketterhagen.
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Wisconsin.
Mary Ketterhagen in 1930 United States Federal Census
Mary Ketterhagen was born circa 1864, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary married John Ketterhagen.
John was born circa 1862, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had one daughter: Alma Ketterhagen.
Mary lived in 1930, in address, Wisconsin.
Mary Ketterhagen in 1940 United States Federal Census
Mary Ketterhagen was born circa 1863, in Wisconsin, USA.
Mary married John Ketterhagen.
John was born circa 1863, in Wisconsin, USA.
They had one daughter: Alma Ketterhagen.
Mary lived in 1935, in Same House - North of Highway 11, Dover, Racine, Wisconsin, USA.
She lived in 1940, in North of Highway 11, Dover, Racine, Wisconsin, USA.
Mary Katterhagen in 1910 United States Federal Census
Mary Katterhagen was born circa 1864, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary married John Katterhagen.
John was born circa 1863, in birth place, Wisconsin.
They had 5 children: Alois Katterhagen, Mollie Katterhagen and 3 other children.
Mary lived in 1910, in address, Wisconsin.
Mary Gaffkr (born Katterhagen) married George Gaffkr.
They had one daughter: Mary Ann Drew (born Gaffke).
Mary passed away.
Mary (Anna Marie) Ketterhagen (born Bidding) married Zacharias Katterhagen.
Zacharias was born on month day 1833, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Bernard J Katterhagen, Catherine Julia Katterhagen and 3 other children.
Mary passed away.
Documents of Mary (Anna Marie) Ketterhagen (born Bidding)
Mary Katterhagen in 1880 United States Federal Census
Mary Katterhagen was born circa 1852, in birth place, New York.
Mary married Zachariah Katterhagen.
Zachariah was born circa 1830, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Bernhard H. Katterhagen, Elizabeth Katterhagen and 4 other children.
Mary lived in 1880, in address, Wisconsin.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Elizabeth Ann Botting in New Zealand, Index of Burials, 1840-2008
Elizabeth Ann Botting was born circa 1852.
Elizabeth was buried in 1932, in burial place.
Elizabeth Ann Botting in New Zealand, Death Index, 1840-2021
Elizabeth Ann Botting was born circa 1852.
Elizabeth passed away in 1932, at age 80 in death place.
Mary Ketterhagen in 1930 United States Federal Census
Mary Ketterhagen was born circa 1852, in birth place, New York.
Mary lived in 1930, in address, Wisconsin.
"... these books: to deve j op finger strength. 1. "A Handy Illustrated Guide POSITION. The righthanded to Basketball." Edited by Sam Nisenson. Perma Sports Library. same day, Aug. 7. Mary Elten Katterhagen ^ys and gi rls from 9 to 12 Jimmie Bartlett Box 682 N. C. (35 cents). 2. "Basketball for Girls." By Wilhelmine E. Meissner and Elizabeth Yeend Meyers. A. S. ..."
Publication place: Lewiston, Androscoggin County, Maine, United States
"... boy and girl pen pals from ll to 12 years of age. Sharon Hopkins Box 77 Doniphan, Neb. 1653 Thurston Avc Racine. Wis. 315 Thurston Ave. Los Altos. Calif. Mary Ellen Katterhagen Box 522 Union Grove, Wis. I i Dear Captain Hal. Dear Captain Hal: I am a boy 10 years old. I! l am 12 years old and am go- Dear ..."
Publication place: Oxnard, Ventura County, California, United States
"... Hal. I am eight years old. 1 like to ride my bicycle. I live on a i farm. I would like to hear from girls all over the world Mary Ellen Katterhagen Box 522 Union Grove, Wis. Dear Captain Hal, I am 12 years old I will be 13 in November. I like to swim and play volleyball. My hobby is collecting ..."
Publication place: Daytona Beach, Volusia County, Florida, United States
Mary Florence Gaffke (born Katterhagen) was born in 1912, in birth place, Minnesota.
Mary had 5 siblings: Theodora Elizabeth Mary Olmschenk (born Katterhagen), Agnes Christine Koppes (born Katterhagen) and 3 other siblings.
Mary married George Joseph Gaffke on month day 1929, at age 17 in marriage place, Minnesota.
George was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 8 children: Gerald Joseph Gaffke, Unknown Gaffke and 6 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1920, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 1930, in address, Minnesota.
She lived in 2 more places.
Mary passed away on month day 2004, at age 92.
She was buried in burial place.
Mary Caroline Dahm (born Katterhagen) was born on month day 1929, in birth place.
Mary married Donald Irvine Dahm in 1950, at age 20.
Donald was born on month day 1923, in birth place.
Mary passed away on month day 2016, at age 86 in death place.
Anna Maria Elizabeth Katterhagen was born on month day 1870, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Anna had 8 siblings: William A Koetterhagen, Catharin Anna Heck (born Katterhagen) and 6 other siblings.
Anna passed away on month day 1885, at age 15 in death place, Wisconsin.
She was buried in burial place, Wisconsin.
Mary, Florence Katterhagen was born on month day 1912, in birth place, Minnesota.
Mary had 4 siblings: Theodora Elizabeth Mary Katterhagen and 3 other siblings.
Mary married George Gaffke.
George was born on month day 1907, in birth place, Minnesota.
They had 4 children: Gerald J Gaffke and 3 other children.
Mary passed away on month day 2004, at age 92.
She was buried in burial place, Minnesota.
Elizabeth, Mary Michler (born Katterhagen, Ketterhagen) was born on month day 1859, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Elizabeth had one sister: Anna Kapplehoff (born Ketterhagen).
Elizabeth married M, Peter Michler.
Elizabeth then married John, F Becker.
Elizabeth passed away on month day 1936, at age 77 in death place, Minnesota.
Record image of Mary Katterhagen

Mary Katterhagen, born 1851

1900 United States Federal Census
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Mary Katterhagen was born in month 1851, in birth place, New York.
Mary married Zacharia Katterhagen circa 1870, at age 18.
Zacharia was born in month 1833, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Martin Katterhagen, Julia Katterhagen and 4 other children.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1900, in address, Wisconsin.
Record image of Mary Katterhagen

Mary Katterhagen, born 1871

1900 United States Federal Census
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Mary Katterhagen was born in month 1871, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary had 4 siblings: Regina Katterhagen and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1900, in address, Wisconsin.
Record image of Mary A. M. Katterhagen

Mary A. M. Katterhagen, born Circa 1870

1880 United States Federal Census
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Mary A. M. Katterhagen was born circa 1870, in birth place, Wisconsin.
Mary had 5 siblings: William A. Katterhagen, Frank J. Katterhagen and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Mary lived in 1880, in address, Wisconsin.
Her occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Mary Katterhagen

Mary Katterhagen, died 1885

Wisconsin, Death Index, 1808-1909
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Mary Katterhagen passed away on month day 1885, in death place, Wisconsin.
Record image of Mary Gaffke (born Katterhagen)

Mary Gaffke (born Katterhagen), born Circa 1912

United States and Canada, Index of Obituaries, 1900-2019
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Mary Gaffke (born Katterhagen) was born circa 1912.
Mary passed away in death place, Minnesota.
Record image of Mary Katterhagen

Mary Katterhagen, born 1882

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Emma C Smith was born on month day 1882, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Mary Katterhagen

Mary Katterhagen, born 1934

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Eugene Gaffke was born on month day 1934, in birth place, Minnesota.
Record image of Mary Katterhagen

Mary Katterhagen, born 1932

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Mary Ann Drew was born on month day 1932, in birth place, Minnesota.
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