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Mariann Margarta Albrecht was born on month day 1924, in birth place.
Mariann had 2 siblings: Erich Hans Albrecht and one other sibling.
Mariann married Unknown on month day 1947, at age 23 in marriage place.
Mariann passed away.
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht in Toledo Blade - ‎Sep 12 1978

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... en- are his wife, Violet (Nickie); sons. Jerry, in homes while here Kenneth, and William; daughters. Mrs. Mrs. Forte also was active in the Order Laura Ziarno and Mrs. Mariann Albrecht; of Sons of luly, parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Lagger; She was the widow of Joseph Forte, brothers. Donald and Edward, and sisters, Surviving are her daughters, Mrs. Elva Mrs. ..."
Publication place: Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht in Reading Eagle - ‎May 1 1914

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... persons having claims against the estate will present them for settlement to AGNES A. TREXLER. Pa.. Administratrix. Edward D Trexler. Attorney, 25 N. St. EXECUTORS' NOTICE IN' ESTATE OF Mariann Albrecht, late of Reading, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given, that lettera tary un the estate of the decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to sald estate ..."
Publication place: Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht in Reading Eagle - ‎Apr 18 1914

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... to HELEN RHOADS. 351 N. 5th SL, Reading. CHARLES B. RIEGEL. 5116 N. 12th SL. Phila.. Pa.. Executors. Adam B. Kleser. GIC Washington SL. Attorney; EXECUTORS' NOTICE IN ESTATE Mariann Albrecht, late of Pa. ceased. Notice Ia hereby that lotters testamentary ou the estate of the decedent been granted to tho undersigned. All persons Indebted to sald estate are requested to ..."
Publication place: Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht in Toledo Blade - ‎Dec 20 1981

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Judg Christiansen 23. of 1345 Oakhill, Sept 16 on af Secor dav af DWI center. 250 fme. and been us- Pended 30 dav. Kopf. Mr and Mr Polisuk. 1434 Mariann Albrecht of 324 ?rasted Sept. 30 South, bov, Friday St. Charla Has oft af Mr. and Mr, jama 5932 Woodville, Northwood, giri, Friday. Mr. and Mr. Randy Fork, 1385 County Road ..."
Publication place: Toledo, Lucas County, Ohio, United States
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht, born Circa 1822

1860 United States Federal Census
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Mariann Albrecht was born circa 1822, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
Mariann married Jacob Albrecht.
Jacob was born circa 1820, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
They had 10 children: John Albrecht, Ann Albrecht and 8 other children.
Personal Info
Mariann lived in 1860, in address, Wisconsin.
Mariann Bari (born Albrecht) was born in 1758, in birth place.
Mariann married Erdmann Bari in 1777, at age 19 in marriage place.
Erdmann was born in 1753, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Anna Bari.
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht, born 1778

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Anna Bari was born on month day 1778.
Anna was baptized on month day 1778, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Anna lived in 1778, in address.
Record image of Mariann Albrecht

Mariann Albrecht, born 1778

Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898
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Anna Bari was born on month day 1778.
Anna was baptized on month day 1778, in baptism place.
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