Discover people named Mariana Kawa

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Mariana Kawa (born Maczek) was born in 1900.
Mariana married Stanislaw Kawa.
Stanislaw was born in 1905.
They had 5 children: Andrzej Kawa, Aleksander Kawa and 3 other children.
Mariana passed away in 1979, at age 79.
Mariana Kuzlik (born Kawa) was born in birth place.
Mariana married Charles Kuzlik.
Charles was born in birth place.
They had 3 children: François Kuzlik and 2 other children.
Mariana passed away in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Mariana Kolassa (born Kawa) was born on month day 1784, in birth place.
Mariana had 9 siblings: Urbanus Franciscus Kawa, Anna Joanna Kawa and 7 other siblings.
Mariana married Johanna Kolassa on month day 1806, at age 21 in marriage place.
Johanna was born circa 1780, in birth place.
They had 8 children: Agnes Kolossa, Agatha Kolossa and 6 other children.
Mariana passed away on month day 1842, at age 58 in death place.
Mariana Kawa (born Czelusmak) was baptized on month day 1880, in baptism place.
Mariana had 7 siblings: Anna Swierdrowski (born Czelusniak), João Czelusniak and 5 other siblings.
Mariana married Joao Kawa on month day 1896, in marriage place.
Joao was born in 1866, in birth place.
Record image of Mariana Mól (born Kawa)

Mariana Mól (born Kawa)

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Mariana Mól (born Kawa) was born in birth place.
Mariana had 5 siblings: Tomasz Kawa, Jan Kawa and 3 other siblings.
Mariana married Mateusz Mól on month day 1879, in marriage place.
Mateusz was born in birth place.
They had 9 children: Alberto Mól, Agnes Mol and 7 other children.
Elisabeth Witowski (born Kawa) married Michael Witowski.
They had one son: Jacobus Witowski.
Record image of Mariana Kawa

Mariana Kawa

Poland, Tarnow Roman Catholic Diocese Church Books, 1612-1900
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Mariana Kawa was baptized on month day 1813, in baptism place.
Record image of Mariana Kawa

Mariana Kawa

Poland, Tarnow Roman Catholic Diocese Church Books, 1612-1900
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Mariana Kawa was baptized on month day 1825, in baptism place.
Record image of Mariana Kawa

Mariana Kawa

Poland, Tarnow Roman Catholic Diocese Church Books, 1612-1900
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Mariana Kawa was baptized on month day 1819, in baptism place.
Record image of Mariana Kawa

Mariana Kawa

Poland, Tarnow Roman Catholic Diocese Church Books, 1612-1900
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Mariana Kawa was baptized on month day 1844, in baptism place.
Record image of Mariana Kawa (Dybas)

Mariana Kawa (Dybas), born 1903

Brazil, Marriages, 1730-1955
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Mariana Kawa was born in 1903.
Mariana married Andre Dybas on month day 1919, at age 16 in marriage place.
Record image of Mariana Kawa (Obrzute)

Mariana Kawa (Obrzute)

Brazil, Marriages, 1730-1955
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Mariana Kawa married Jose Obrzute on month day 1917, in marriage place.
Record image of Mariana Kawa

Mariana Kawa, born Circa 1871

Baltimore, Maryland, Passenger List Card Index, 1820-1897
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Mariana Kawa was born circa 1871.
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Mariana lived in address.
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