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Maria da Glória Castello Branco (born Lemgruber Cardoso) was born on month day 1918, in birth place.
Maria had one brother: Nilton Lemgruber Cardoso.
Maria married Unknown.
They had one son: Aprígio Cardoso Castello Branco.
Maria then married Almir Aloisio Castello Branco on month day 1949, at age 31.
Almir was born on month day 1917, in birth place.
They had one child.
Maria passed away on month day 2011, at age 92 in death place.
Maria Luisa Lemgruber Lemgruber Monnerat - Lindoca ) (born Lemgruber Cardoso) was born on month day 1891, in birth place.
Maria had 11 siblings: Fidelis Lemgruber Sobrinho, Agostinho Lemgruber (Sinhozinho) and 9 other siblings.
Maria passed away on month day 1974, at age 83 in death place.
Maria do Carmo Teixeira Cardoso was born on month day 1932, in birth place.
Maria married Mr. Lemgruber Cardoso.
They had 2 children.
Maria passed away on month day 2005, at age 73 in death place.
Maria (do Carmo) Moreira Cardoso was born on month day 1916, in birth place.
Maria married Nilton Lemgruber Cardoso.
Nilton was born on month day 1920, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Arthur Moreira Cardoso and one other child.
Maria passed away on month day 2005, at age 88.
Maria da Glória Castello Branco (born Lemgruber Cardoso) was born on month day 1918, in birth place.
Maria had 7 siblings: Nilton Lemgruber Cardoso, Jose Cardoso and 5 other siblings.
Maria married Almir Castello Branco on month day 1949, at age 31.
Almir was born on month day 1917.
They had 2 children: Aprígio Cardoso Castello Branco and one other child.
Maria passed away on month day 2011, at age 92 in death place.
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