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Marcella Twiss was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
Marcella had 4 siblings: William James Twiss and 3 other siblings.
Personal Info
Marcella lived on month day 1901, in address.
She lived in 1911, in address.
Marcella passed away on month day 1949, at age 74 in death place.
Record image of Marcella Twiss

Marcella Twiss, born 1922

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Marcella Twiss was born on month day 1922, in birth place, Nebraska.
Marcella had 6 siblings: Alma Twiss, Frances Eusebia Twiss and 4 other siblings.
Marcella passed away.
Documents of Marcella Twiss
Marcella Twiss in 1940 United States Federal Census
Marcella Twiss was born circa 1923, in Nebraska, USA, to Russell Twiss and Elaine Twiss.
Marcella lived in 1935, in Oneill, Holt, Nebraska.
She lived in 1940, in Jefferson Election Precinct, Madison, Nebraska, USA.
Marcella (Mercie) Ellen Twiss married Walter Hill on month day 1903, in marriage place.
Walter was born on month day 1871.
They had 3 children: Janet (Babs) Graham and 2 other children.
Marcella passed away.
Marcella Ellen Moodie (born Twiss) was born on month day 1875, in birth place.
Marcella had 4 siblings: Sarah Helena Nash Keen (born Twiss) and 3 other siblings.
Marcella married Walter Hill Moodie on month day 1903, at age 28 in marriage place.
Walter was born on month day 1871, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Janet Eileen Victoria "Babs" Graham (born Moodie) and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Marcella lived on month day 1901, in address.
She lived in 1911, in address.
Marcella passed away on month day 1949, at age 74 in death place.
Marcella Bendixen (born Twiss) was born on month day 1922, in birth place, Nebraska.
Marcella had 6 siblings: Marion Elizabeth Shaughnessy (born Twiss), Caleb Wallace Twiss and 4 other siblings.
Marcella married Dale Bendixen on month day 1942, at age 19.
Marcella Ellen Moodie (born Twiss) married Walter Hill Moodie on month day 1903, in marriage place.
Record image of Marcella Twiss

Marcella Twiss, born Circa 1851

1880 United States Federal Census
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Marcella Twiss was born circa 1851, in birth place, Ohio.
Marcella married Loren Twiss.
Loren was born circa 1846, in birth place, Ohio.
They had one son: Howard Twiss.
Personal Info
Marcella lived in 1880, in address, Michigan.
Her occupation was a occupation.
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