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Manuel Guillermo Pinto y Lobo was born on month day 1783, in birth place.
Manuel was baptized on month day 1783, in baptism place.
Manuel had 6 siblings: Manuel Mariano de la Candelaria de Pinto y Lobo and 5 other siblings.
Manuel married Juana Pinto y Lobo (born García).
Juana was born in 1792, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Rita Manuela Molina y Gonzalez de Noriega (born Pinto García) and 2 other children.
Manuel then married Ms. de Pinto y Lobos (born Laprida Sánchez de Loria).
They had one son: Álvaro Pinto Laprida.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address.
Manuel passed away on month day 1853, at age 70 in death place.
Documents of Manuel Guillermo Pinto y Lobo
Manuel Guillermo Pinto in Biographical Summaries of Notable People
Manuel Guillermo Pinto was born in 1783.
Manuel lived in Buenos Aires.
Manuel passed away on June 28 1853, at age 70.
Manuel Guillermo Pinto in Famous People Throughout History
Manuel Guillermo Pinto was born in 1783, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
His occupations were Politician and Military Personnel.
Manuel passed away on June 28 1853, at age 70 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Manuel Guillermo Pinto y Lobo in Familias-Argentinas (Argentinian Family Tree)
Manuel Guillermo Pinto y Lobo married Juana García González.
They had one child: Rita Pinto y García.
Manuel Francisco Pinto, Junior was born on month day 1919, in birth place.
Manuel had 9 siblings: Joaquim Francisco Pinto Pinto, Amélia da Silva Barbosa and 7 other siblings.
Manuel married Ana Rosa Pinto Júnior (born Vieira da Rocha).
Ana was born on month day 1925, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Maria Fernanda Santos Santos Oliveira (born Rocha Pinto) and one other child.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address.
Manuel passed away on month day 2013, at age 93 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Manuel Cashmere Pinto was born on month day 1863, in birth place.
Manuel had 7 siblings: Emile Paul Pinto, Laura America Morel (born Pinto) and 5 other siblings.
Manuel married Augusta (Augustine) W. Pinto (born Hammer) in 1885?, at age 21 in marriage place, Louisiana.
Augusta was born on month day 1866, in birth place.
They had 6 children: William (Willie) Manuel Pinto, Manuel Thomas Pinto and 4 other children.
Manuel passed away on month day 1946, at age 82 in death place, Louisiana.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Manuel Cashmere Pinto
Manuel C Sr. Pinto in Louisiana Obituaries
Manuel C Sr. Pinto was born circa 1862.
Manuel married Augusta Augustine Hammer.
Manuel passed away on month day 1946, at age 84.
Manuel Pinto in 1900 United States Federal Census
Manuel Pinto was born in month 1862, in birth place, Louisiana.
Manuel married Augustina Pinto circa 1886, at age 23.
Augustina was born in month 1866, in birth place, Louisiana.
They had 5 children: Estella Pinto, Sophie Pinto and 3 other children.
Manuel lived in 1900, in address, Louisiana.
Manuel Pinto in 1930 United States Federal Census
Manuel Pinto was born circa 1863, in birth place, Louisiana.
Manuel married Augustine Pinto.
Augustine was born circa 1866, in birth place, Louisiana.
They had one daughter: Laura S Philips.
Manuel lived in 1930, in address, Louisiana.
Manuel Casimier Pinto in Louisiana, Death Index, 1819-1969
Manuel Casimier Pinto was born circa 1862.
Manuel passed away in month 1946, at age 84 in death place, Louisiana.
Manuel Thomas Pinto, Jr. was born on month day 1895, in birth place, Louisiana.
Manuel had 6 siblings: augustine silva (born pinto), William (Willie) Manuel Pinto and 4 other siblings.
Manuel married Mirza (Myrite)(Myrt) Honorine Pinto (born Perette (Peyret?)) on month day 1920, at age 25.
Mirza was born on month day 1903, in birth place, Louisiana.
They had 2 children: Manuel Bertrand Pinto and one other child.
Manuel passed away on month day 1977, at age 81 in death place, Louisiana.
He was buried in burial place, Louisiana.
Documents of Manuel Thomas Pinto
Manuel T Jr Pinto in 1940 United States Federal Census
Manuel T Jr Pinto was born circa 1896, in Louisiana, USA.
Manuel married Myrtle H Pinto.
Myrtle was born circa 1903, in Louisiana, USA.
They had 2 children: Manuel B Pinto and Ruth L Pinto.
Manuel lived in 1935, in Same House - 3113 Clouet St, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
He lived in 1940, in 3113 Clouet St, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Manuel Pinto, Jr in 1900 United States Federal Census
Manuel Pinto, Jr was born in month 1895, in birth place, Louisiana.
Manuel had 4 siblings: Estella Pinto and 3 other siblings.
Manuel lived in 1900, in address, Louisiana.
Manuel Pinto in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Manuel Pinto was born on May 13 1895.
Manuel lived in New Orleans, Louisiana 70117, USA.
Manuel passed away in April 1977, at age 81.
Manuel Pinto, Jr in 1910 United States Federal Census
Manuel Pinto, Jr was born circa 1897, in birth place, Louisiana.
Manuel had 4 siblings: Alla Pinto and 3 other siblings.
Manuel lived in 1910, in address, Louisiana.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, 1908 - 1960

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Manuel Pinto, Sr. was born on month day 1908, in birth place.
Manuel had one sibling.
Manuel married Maria isabel Moreira Pinto (born Moreira) on month day 1945, at age 37 in marriage place.
Maria was born on month day 1912, in birth place.
They had 9 children: Celestino Moreira Pinto Pinto, Francisco Antonio Pinto and 7 other children.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Manuel passed away of cause of death on month day 1960, at age 52 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, 1692 - 1757

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Manuel Pinto was born on month day 1692, in birth place.
Manuel was baptized on month day 1692, in baptism place.
Manuel had 2 siblings: Carlos Pinto and one other sibling.
Manuel married Marianna Pinto (born Ferraz) on month day 1713, at age 21 in marriage place.
Marianna was born on month day 1697, in birth place.
They had 11 children: Luís Pinto Ferraz, Mariana Mendes (born Pinto Ferraz) and 9 other children.
Manuel passed away on month day 1757, at age 64 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Manuel Pinto
Manoel Pinto in Portugal, Baptisms, 1570-1910
Manoel Pinto was born on month day 1692.
Manoel was baptized on month day 1692, in baptism place.
Manoel lived in 1692, in address.
Manuel Gomes Pinto was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
Manuel was baptized on month day 1883, in baptism place.
Manuel had 10 siblings: Luis Gomes Pinto, Joao Gomes Pinto and 8 other siblings.
Manuel married Maria ConceiçãoSilva Fernandes Pinto (born Araújo Pinto).
Maria was born on month day 1895, in birth place.
Manuel passed away on month day 1964, at age 71 in death place.
Manuel Maria PINTO was born on month day 1927, in birth place.
Manuel had 5 siblings: Ana PINTO, Laurentina PINTO and 3 other siblings.
Manuel married Adozinda PINTO (born DOMINGUES) on month day 1954, at age 27 in marriage place.
Adozinda was born on month day 1928, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Inacio PINTO and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address.
Manuel passed away of cause of death on month day 1998, at age 70 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Documents of Manuel Maria PINTO
Manuel Maria PINTO in France Deaths
Manuel Maria PINTO was born on month day 1927, in birth place.
Manuel passed away on month day 1998, at age 70 in death place.
Manuel Bertrand Pinto, Sr was born on month day 1921, in birth place, Louisiana.
Manuel had one sister: Ruth Louise Jenny (born Pinto).
Manuel married Yvonne Pinto (born Lavine).
Yvonne was born on month day 1923, in birth place.
They had 4 children.
Manuel passed away on month day 2004, at age 82 in death place, Louisiana.
Documents of Manuel Bertrand Pinto
Manuel B Pinto in U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
Manuel B Pinto was born on November 18 1921.
Manuel lived in Chalmette, Louisiana 70043, USA.
Manuel passed away on June 8 2004, at age 82.
Manuel Gomes Pinto was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
Manuel had 9 siblings: Luís Gomes Pinto, Camilo Gomes Pinto and 7 other siblings.
Manuel married Maria ConceiçãoSilva Fernandes Gomes Pinto (born Araújo Pinto) on month day 1912, at age 19.
Maria was born on month day 1895, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Artur Araújo Pinto and 3 other children.
Manuel passed away on month day 1974, at age 80 in death place.
Documents of Manuel Gomes Pinto
Manuel M Pinto in 1920 United States Federal Census
Manuel M Pinto was born circa 1894, in birth place, Massachusetts.
Manuel married Mary Pinto.
Mary was born circa 1900, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Mary Pinto.
Manuel lived in 1920, in address, Massachusetts.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, 1885 - 1974

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Manuel Pinto was born on month day 1885, in birth place.
Manuel was baptized on month day 1885.
Manuel had 4 siblings: António Pinto and 3 other siblings.
Manuel married Vitória Pinto (born do Espírito Santo) on month day 1908, at age 22 in marriage place.
Vitória was born in birth place.
They had 7 children: Maria José Pinto, Filomena Pinto Simão (born Filomena Pinto) and 5 other children.
Manuel passed away on month day 1974, at age 89 in death place.
Manuel João Pinto was born on month day 1715, in birth place.
Manuel was baptized on month day 1715, in baptism place.
Manuel had 4 siblings: Gonçalo Pinto and 3 other siblings.
Manuel married Francisca Pinto (born Xavier Freitas) in 1742, at age 26 in marriage place.
Francisca was born on month day 1719, in birth place.
They had 5 children: Antonia Gomes de Gouvêa (born Pinto), Gertrudes Castro (born Pinto) and 3 other children.
Manuel passed away on month day 1784, at age 68 in death place.
Documents of Manuel João Pinto
Manuel João Pinto in Portugal, Madeira, Index of Marriages, 1574-1940
Manuel João Pinto married Francisca Xavier De Freitas in 1742, in marriage place.
Manuel João Pinto in Portugal, Madeira, Index of Marriages, 1574-1940
Manuel João Pinto married Francisca Xavier De Freitas in 1742, in marriage place.
Manuel Henrique Pinto was born on month day 1853, in birth place.
Manuel married Maria da Conceição de Almeida Pinto (born da Conceição Simões de Almeida) on month day 1885, at age 32 in marriage place.
Maria was born on month day 1861, in birth place.
They had 2 children: Luiz de Almeida Pinto and one other child.
Personal Info
His occupation was a occupation.
Manuel passed away on month day 1912, at age 59 in death place.
Documents of Manuel Henrique Pinto
Henrique Pinto in Famous People Throughout History
Henrique Pinto was born in 1853, in Cacilhas, Portugal.
His occupation was a painter.
Henrique passed away in 1912, at age 59 in Figueiró Dos Vinhos, Portugal.
Manuel Francisco Pinto was born on month day 1912, in birth place.
Manuel had one sister: Rosa de Assunção (born Pinto).
Manuel married Justina Emília Pinto (born da Silva Rebelo) on month day 1936, at age 23 in marriage place.
Justina was born on month day 1914, in birth place.
Manuel passed away on month day 2001, at age 89 in death place.
Record image of Manuel pinto

Manuel pinto, 1919 - 2007

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Manuel pinto was born on month day 1919.
Manuel had 2 siblings.
Manuel married Ms. pinto (born García).
They had 2 children.
Manuel then married Ofelia Angelica pinto (born Bunster Briceño).
Ofelia was born on month day 1923.
They had one child.
Manuel passed away on month day 2007, at age 87 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto in The Manitowoc pilot - ‎Feb 21 1918

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... no part in arming her and took no part in the battle later with a vessel of this country which captured the Nereide and brought her, her crew and Manuel Pinto the neutral, and his goods worth thousands to a port in this country, she was libeled and as part of her cargo belonged to British subjects, with which country the ..."
Publication place: Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto in Warsaw Daily Times - ‎June 1 1944

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Nazi Sub Captain Spares Refugees (Continued from Page One) wanted Perez, who later was without explanation. Orders Ship Abandoned. The two Americans, Virgilio Magina, 22, of Bedford, Mass., and Manuel Pinto of Waterbury, Conn., returning to the United States to register for selective service, then were taken aboard the Pinho then returned to the vessel to relay the report that the ..."
Publication place: Warsaw, Kosciusko County, Indiana, United States
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto in Sarasota Herald-Tribune - ‎1994-05-31

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... the shindig were the local club's PRIDE Team, who performed: roy's wife. Helen; and Mack's wife. Lynn: Ken Patton and his fiancee. Debbie Howard; Carrie Roger Caron, Manuel and Yvonne Pinto of New Orleans (guests of the Sarasota dubs); Karen Caillouette and her husband. Donald. Thc group also won the coun- dl's Program of thc Year award for its Drug Free ..."
Publication place: Sarasota, Sarasota County, Florida, United States
Record image of Manuel J. Pinto

Manuel J. Pinto in The Catholic Press - ‎Apr 24 2000

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... Newport, RJ. He was a member of the Teamsters Union. He married Ann Perry on Aug. 21, 1937. In addition to lns wife, he is survived hy a son. Manuel J. Pinto Jr. of Silver Springs. Md.; a daughter. Eliz- Owens of Groton; three grandchildren and two Memorial Home. 310 Thames St., is in charge of arrangements, which are private. There are no ..."
Publication place: Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States
Manuel, Francisco Pinto was born on month day 1871, in birth place.
Manuel had 2 siblings: José Francisco Pinto da Silva and one other sibling.
Manuel married Deolinda, Francisca Pais.
Deolinda was born on month day 1888, in birth place.
They had 11 children: Rosalina Francisca Pais (born Pinto), Maria Francisca Pais Pinto and 9 other children.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address.
His occupation was a occupation.
Manuel passed away on month day 1951, at age 79 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Manuel João Pinto was born on month day 1715, in birth place.
Manuel had 3 siblings: António and 2 other siblings.
Manuel married Francisca Xavier de Freitas on month day 1742, at age 27 in marriage place.
Francisca was born in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Antónia Pinto and one other child.
Manuel passed away on month day 1784, at age 68 in death place.
Manuel, Gomes Pinto was born on month day 1893, in birth place.
Manuel had 9 siblings: Luis Gomes Pinto, Ermelinda Gomes Pinto and 7 other siblings.
Manuel married Maria ConceiçãoSilva, Fernandes Araújo Pinto.
Maria was born on month day 1895, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Artur Araújo Pinto and 3 other children.
Manuel passed away on month day 1974, at age 80 in death place.
Manuel, Manuel Francisco Pinto was born on month day 1919, in birth place.
Manuel had 10 siblings: Rosalina Francisca Pais (born Pinto), Maria Francisca Pais Pinto and 8 other siblings.
Manuel married Ana, Rosa Vieira Rocha.
Ana was born on month day 1925, in birth place.
They had 11 children: Gastão da Rocha Pinto Gastão da Rocha Pinto Pereira Pereira, Adelino Augusto da Rocha Pinto Da Rocha Pinto and 9 other children.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address.
Manuel passed away on month day 2013, at age 93 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, 1925 - 2013

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Manuel Pinto was born on month day 1925, in birth place.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address, New Jersey.
Manuel passed away on month day 2013, at age 87 in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Manuel V Pinto

Manuel V Pinto, 1911 - 1999

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Manuel V Pinto was born on month day 1911.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address, New Jersey.
Manuel passed away on month day 1999, at age 88 in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Manuel B Pinto

Manuel B Pinto, 1945 - 1998

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Manuel B Pinto was born on month day 1945.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address, New Jersey.
Manuel passed away on month day 1998, at age 52 in death place, New Jersey.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, 1929 - 2000

New Jersey Death Index, 1920-1929, 1949-2017
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Manuel Pinto was born on month day 1929.
Personal Info
Manuel lived in address, New Jersey.
Manuel passed away on month day 2000, at age 70 in death place, New Jersey.
Manuel Pinto was born on February 18 1918.
Manuel married Maria Pinto.
Manuel passed away on January 10 2006, at age 87.
He was buried in Newcastle Cemetery, Newcastle, California, United States.
Manuel Pinto was born on April 14 1895.
Manuel passed away on December 21 1952, at age 57.
He was buried in Associação Cemitério Israelita São Paulo, Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
Manuel V. Pinto was born in 1911.
Manuel married Laurinda Pinto.
Manuel passed away in 1999, at age 88.
He was buried in Fairview Cemetery, Westfield, New Jersey, United States.
Manuel Del Pilar Pinto was born in 1919.
Manuel passed away in 1990, at age 71.
He was buried in Cementerio Xoclan, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico.
Record image of Manuel Bulnes Pinto

Manuel Bulnes Pinto, 1842 - 1899

Famous People Throughout History
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Manuel Bulnes Pinto was born on June 10 1842, in Santiago, Chile, to Manuel Bulnes and Enriqueta Pinto Garmendia.
Manuel had one sibling: Gonzalo Bulnes.
Personal Info
His occupations were Politician and Military Personnel.
Manuel passed away on April 18 1899, at age 56 in Santiago, Chile.
Record image of Manuel Pinto Da Fonseca

Manuel Pinto Da Fonseca, 1681 - 1773

Famous People Throughout History
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Manuel Pinto Da Fonseca was born on May 24 1681, in Lamego, Portugal.
Personal Info
His occupation was a monk.
Manuel passed away on January 23 1773, at age 91 in Valletta, Malta.
Record image of Manuel Doménech Pinto

Manuel Doménech Pinto, 1925 - 2005

Famous People Throughout History
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Manuel Doménech Pinto was born on December 4 1925, in Castelló De La Plana, Spain.
Personal Info
His occupation was Association Football Player.
Manuel passed away on December 15 2005, at age 80.
Record image of Manuel Valledor Pinto

Manuel Valledor Pinto, 1840 - 1916

Famous People Throughout History
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Manuel Valledor Pinto was born on June 21 1840.
Personal Info
His occupations were Politician and Lawyer.
Manuel passed away on November 19 1916, at age 76.
Manuel Pinto was born on month day 1924, in birth place.
Manuel passed away on month day 1945, at age 20.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1857 - 1899

Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-2008
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Manuel Pinto was born circa 1857.
Manuel passed away on month day 1899, at age 42 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1861 - 1897

Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-2008
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Prudencio Castañeda was born circa 1861.
Prudencio passed away on month day 1897, at age 36 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, born 1880

Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-2008
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Martin Pinto Velasco was born on month day 1880, in birth place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, born 1883

Guatemala, Civil Registration, 1877-2008
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Raymunda Pinto España was born on month day 1883, in birth place.
Record image of Manuel Jose Pinto

Manuel Jose Pinto, 1928 - 2012

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Manuel Jose Pinto was born on month day 1928.
Manuel passed away on month day 2012, at age 84.
He was buried in burial place, Florida.
Record image of Manuel L. Pinto

Manuel L. Pinto, 1920 - 2013

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Manuel L. Pinto was born on month day 1920.
Manuel married Unknown Ruth.
Manuel passed away on month day 2013, at age 92.
He was buried in burial place, Rhode Island.
Record image of Manuel L. Pinto

Manuel L. Pinto, 1920 - 2013

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Manuel L. Pinto was born on month day 1920.
Manuel passed away on month day 2013, at age 92.
He was buried in burial place, Ohio.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, 1951 - 2006

Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
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Mrs. Christine Pinto was born on month day 1951.
Christine married Manuel Pinto.
Christine passed away on month day 2006, at age 55.
Record image of Manuel Isaäc Pinto

Manuel Isaäc Pinto, Circa 1855 - 1907

Netherlands, Leiden Deaths, 1811-1960
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Manuel Isaäc Pinto was born circa 1855, in birth place.
Manuel passed away on month day 1907, at age 52 in death place.
Manuel Pinto was born circa 1855.
Manuel passed away on month day 1890, at age 35 in death place.
Manuel Jesus Pinto was born circa 1853.
Manuel passed away on month day 1903, at age 50 in death place.
Manuel Pinto was born circa 1876.
Manuel passed away on month day 1889, at age 13 in death place.
Manuel Isaac Pinto was born circa 1848.
Manuel passed away on month day 1898, at age 50 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1847 - 1853

Spain, Málaga, Municipal Death Records
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Manuel Pinto was born circa 1847.
Manuel passed away on month day 1853, at age 6 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1770 - 1865

Spain, Málaga, Municipal Death Records
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Francisca Pinto Gallardo was born circa 1770.
Francisca married Francisco Osuna.
Francisca passed away on month day 1865, at age 95 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1866 - 1868

Spain, Málaga, Municipal Death Records
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Josefa Pinto Casasola was born circa 1866.
Josefa passed away on month day 1868, at age 2 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1787 - 1855

Spain, Málaga, Municipal Death Records
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Teresa Pinto was born circa 1787.
Teresa married Francisco De La Rosa.
Teresa passed away on month day 1855, at age 68 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1893 - 1919

Peru, Lima, Civil Registration, 1874-1996
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Manuel Pinto was born circa 1893.
Manuel passed away on month day 1919, at age 26 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Baltazar Pinto

Manuel Baltazar Pinto, born 1887

Peru, Lima, Civil Registration, 1874-1996
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Manuel Baltazar Pinto was born on month day 1887, in birth place.
Record image of Manuel Isidro Pinto

Manuel Isidro Pinto, born 1879

Peru, Lima, Civil Registration, 1874-1996
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Manuel Isidro Pinto was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, born 1876

Peru, Lima, Civil Registration, 1874-1996
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Manuel Pinto was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Record image of Manuel PINTO

Manuel PINTO, Circa 1942 - 2012

France, Index of Obituaries and Funeral Notices
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Manuel PINTO was born circa 1942.
Manuel passed away on month day 2012, at age 70 in death place.
Record image of Manuel PINTO

Manuel PINTO, Circa 1952 - 2009

France, Index of Obituaries and Funeral Notices
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Manuel PINTO was born circa 1952.
Manuel passed away on month day 2009, at age 57 in death place.
Record image of Manuel Charles PINTO

Manuel Charles PINTO, died 2017

France, Index of Obituaries and Funeral Notices
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Manuel Charles PINTO passed away on month day 2017, in death place.
Record image of Manuel Pinto

Manuel Pinto, Circa 1882 - 1953

New York State Death Index, 1880-1956
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Manuel Pinto was born circa 1882.
Manuel passed away on month day 1953, at age 71 in death place, New York.
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