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Luzia Lemgruber Boechat Coelho (Didia) was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Luzia had 10 siblings: Idalina Boechat Filho, Leopoldina Boechat (born Lemgruber Boechat - Fiota) and 8 other siblings.
Luzia married Antonio José Coelho on month day 1896, at age 19.
Antonio was born on month day 1860, in birth place.
They had 6 children: José Coelho Boechat (Dedé Coelho) - carpinteiro, Rozalina Boechat Coelho de Medeiros (Madalina) and 4 other children.
Luzia passed away on month day 1950, at age 73.
She was buried in burial place.
Luzia Lemgruber Boechat (born Bourgon (?) Lemgruber) was born circa 1852.
Luzia had 6 siblings: Frederico José Lengruber, João Pedro Lemgruber and 4 other siblings.
Luzia married Henrique José Boechat in marriage place.
Henrique was born on month day 1851, in birth place.
They had 4 daughters: Maria Leontina (Lemgruber) Boechat Chevrand (born Lemgruber Boechat) and 3 other children.
Luzia passed away on month day 1887, at age 35.
Luzia Coelho (born Lemgruber Boechat (Didia)) was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Luzia had 11 siblings: Amélia Hortência Boechat, João Pedro Lemgruber Júnior* (primos por parte das mães) and 9 other siblings.
Luzia passed away on month day 1950, at age 73 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Record image of Luzia Lemgruber Boechat

Luzia Lemgruber Boechat

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Luzia Lemgruber Boechat was born in birth place.
Luzia had 4 siblings: Frederico Lemgruber Boechat and 3 other siblings.
Luzia passed away.
Luzia Coelho (born Lemgruber Boechat) had 10 siblings: Leopoldina Boechat (born Lemgruber Boechat), Idalina Boechat Filho (born Lemgruber Boechat) and 8 other siblings.
Luzia married Antonio José Coelho.
Luzia passed away.
Record image of Luzia Lemgruber Boechat

Luzia Lemgruber Boechat

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Luzia Lemgruber Boechat had 9 siblings: Amélia Hortência Boechat (born Lemgruber Boechat), Leopoldina Boechat (born Lemgruber Boechat) and 7 other siblings.
Luzia passed away.
Luzia Coelho (born Lemgruber Boechat (Didia)) had 11 siblings: Amélia Hortência Boechat, João Pedro Lemgruber Júnior* (primos por parte das mães) and 9 other siblings.
Luzia LEMGRUBER BOECHAT was born on month day 1876, in birth place.
Luzia had 10 siblings: Oscar LENGRUBER BOECHAT, Francisco LENGRUBER BOECHAT and 8 other siblings.
Luzia married Antonio José COELHO on month day 1896, at age 19.
Antonio was born on month day 1860, in birth place.
They had 2 children: José COELHO BOECHAT and one other child.
Luzia passed away on month day 1950, at age 73 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Luzia Boechat (born Bourgnon Lemgruber) was born circa 1852.
Luzia had 6 siblings: Frederico José Bourgnon Leimgruber, João Pedro Lemgruber Boechat and 4 other siblings.
Luzia married Henrique José Boechat circa 1872, at age 20 in marriage place.
Henrique was born on month day 1851, in birth place.
They had 4 daughters: Amélia Boechat (born Lengruber Boechat) and 3 other children.
Luzia passed away on month day 1887, at age 35.
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