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Lucile Putnam (born Atkisson) was born on month day 1895, in birth place, Georgia.
Lucile had one brother: George Harold Atkisson.
Lucile married Russell Lamp Putnam on month day 1916, at age 21 in marriage place, Florida.
Russell was born on month day 1893, in birth place, District of Columbia.
They had one child.
Documents of Lucile Putnam (born Atkisson)
Lucille A Putnam in 1940 United States Federal Census
Lucille A Putnam was born circa 1896, in Georgia, USA.
Lucille married Russel L Putnam.
Russel was born circa 1893, in District of Columbia, USA.
They had one daughter: Mary E Alspaugh.
Lucille lived in 1935, in Same Place - 845 N W 7th St, Miami, Election Precinct 62, Dade, Florida, USA.
She lived in 1940, in 845 N W 7th St, Miami, Election Precinct 62, Dade, Florida, USA.
Lucille M Putnam in 1920 United States Federal Census
Lucille M Putnam was born circa 1895, in birth place, Georgia.
Lucille had one brother: George H Atkisson.
Lucille lived in 1920, in address, Florida.
Record image of Lucile Atkisson

Lucile Atkisson in The Ocala evening star. - ‎Dec 27 1907

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... receiver in Japanese ware and to her assistants Mrs Ella Ervin and Miss Florence Walters they presented pitchers of the same ware Asa parting gift to their faithful president Lucile Atkisson they gave a beautifully bound book written by Fannie J Crosby the worldrenowned blind poet There were tokens of esteem to Rev and Mrs Atkisson and remembrances to each other and altogether the occasion was a delightful one in which true Christian spirit prevailed BUILDING AT LEEBURG Mr C J Phillips is doing a lot ..."
Publication place: Ocala, Marion, Florida
Record image of Lucile Atkisson

Lucile Atkisson in The Ocala evening star. - ‎May 17 1915

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... U, D. C. in Leesburg recenUy and he has consented to sing at Grace church in Jthis city in the near future. Mrs. R. V. Atkisson and daughter Miss Lucile Atkisson, for four years residents of Ocala, will leave this week from their home in Miami for Los Angeles, Calif., to visit relatives for five months. En route to Call fornia ..."
Publication place: Ocala, Marion, Florida
Record image of Lucile Atkisson

Lucile Atkisson in The Ocala evening star. - ‎Oct 11 1913

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... on Daugherty street Monday afternoon at 3:30. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Clark arrived today from Troy. Ala., for a visit to their Ocala relatives and numerous friends. Miss Lucile Atkisson with her sweet voice contributed to the success of a reception given recently in Lake City. Miss Rhoda Rhody will go to Lakeland next week to visit friends for ten ..."
Publication place: Ocala, Marion, Florida
Record image of Lucile Atkisson

Lucile Atkisson in The Ocala evening star. - ‎July 19 1913

Newspaper Name Index, USA, Canada, and Australia
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"... ill for several months, is resting more comfortably today. Mr. Fred W. Wilson of Brooklyn, was in the city this week, and incidentally attending to professional business too. Miss Lucile Atkisson, a former Ocala girl, but now of Orlando, is re ceiving many social honors durin her summer outing in and around A lanta. this next week she wur be a ..."
Publication place: Ocala, Marion, Florida
Record image of Lucile Atkisson

Lucile Atkisson, born 1917

1920 United States Federal Census
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Lucile Atkisson was born in month 1917, in birth place, Arkansas.
Lucile had one brother: Clarnce Atkisson.
Personal Info
Lucile lived in 1920, in address, Arkansas.
Record image of Lucile Atkisson

Lucile Atkisson, born 1919

U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
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Mary Putnam Alspaugh was born on month day 1919, in birth place, Pennsylvania.
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