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Record image of Lorman Zirges

Lorman Zirges

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Lorman Zirges had one sibling.
Lorman passed away.
Documents of Lorman Zirges
Lorman Zirges in 1940 United States Federal Census
Lorman Zirges was born circa 1925, in Illinois, USA, to Harry Zirges and Laura Zirges.
Lorman had one sister: Harriet Zirges.
Lorman lived in 1935, in Same House - 8607 Broadway, St Louis, St Louis City, Missouri, USA.
He lived in 1940, in 8607 Broadway, St Louis, St Louis City, Missouri, USA.
Record image of Lorman H Zirges

Lorman H Zirges, born Circa 1926

1950 United States Federal Census
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Lorman H Zirges was born circa 1926, in Illinois, United States, to Henry W Zirges and Laura L Zirges.
Lorman had one sister: Harriett M Zirges.
Personal Info
Lorman lived in N Broadway.
He lived on April 1 1950, in 8607 N Broadway, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States.
Record image of Lorman H Zirges

Lorman H Zirges, born 1925

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment
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Lorman H Zirges was born in 1925, in birth place, Illinois.
Personal Info
Lorman lived in address, Missouri.
His occupation was a occupation.
Record image of Lorman H. Zirges

Lorman H. Zirges

Missouri, St. Louis Death Notices
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Genealogy record of Lorman H. Zirges
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