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Leonora Bergitte Sollund (born Aronsen) was born on month day 1879, in birth place.
Leonora had 6 siblings: August Kornelius lie Aronsen, Aron Andreas Berg Aronsen and 4 other siblings.
Leonora married Jens Johan Kristensen Sollund on month day 1901, at age 22 in marriage place.
Jens was born on month day 1873, in birth place.
They had 4 children: Aslaug Kamilla Pauline Strømsnes (born Sollund) and 3 other children.
Personal Info
Leonora lived in 1891, in address.
Leonora passed away on month day 1960, at age 81 in death place.
She was buried in burial place.
Documents of Leonora Bergitte Sollund (born Aronsen)
Leonore Bergitte Aronsen in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Jens Johan Kristensen was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Jens married Leonore Bergitte Aronsen on month day 1901, at age 27 in marriage place.
Jens lived in address.
Leonora Aronsdatter in 1891 Norway Census
Leonora Aronsdatter was born in 1879, in birth place.
Leonora had 4 siblings: Hilda Kareldatter and 3 other siblings.
Leonora lived in 1891, in address.
Leonora Bergitte Aronsen in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Jens Johan Kristensen was born on month day 1874, in birth place.
Jens married Leonora Bergitte Aronsen on month day 1900, at age 26 in marriage place.
Jens lived in address.
Leonora Aronsen in 1900 Norway Census
Leonora Aronsen was born in 1879, in birth place.
Leonora had 2 siblings: Peder Aronsen and one other sibling.
Leonora lived in 1900, in address.
Leonora Østebø (born Aronsen) was born on month day 1932.
Leonora married Gunnar I Østebø on month day 1998, at age 65.
Gunnar was born on month day 1931, in birth place.
Leonora passed away on month day 2008, at age 76.
Leonora Christiana Thomassen Ostad (born Aronsen) was born on month day 1833, in birth place.
Leonora had 6 siblings: Hass (Hans) Peder Martinius Aronsen, Claus Benjamin Andreas Aronsen and 4 other siblings.
Leonora married Johan Christian Thomassen Ostad on month day 1876, at age 43 in marriage place.
Leonora passed away.
Documents of Leonora Christiana Thomassen Ostad (born Aronsen)
Leonora Christina Aronsdatter in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Leonora Christina Aronsdatter was born on month day 1833.
Leonora was baptized on month day 1833, in baptism place.
Leanora Christiana Aronsdr in Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927
Leanora Christiana Aronsdr was born on month day 1833.
Leanora was baptized on month day 1833, in baptism place.
Leanora lived in 1833, in address.
Kirstine Tommasen in 1870 Denmark Census
Kirstine Tommasen was born circa 1823.
Kirstine married Kristian Tommasen.
Kristian was born circa 1824.
They had one son: Vermune Kristiansen Druning.
Kirstine lived on month day 1870, in address.
Leonora Mathilde Syrstad (born Aronsen) was born on month day 1899, in birth place.
Leonora had 8 siblings: Karl Aronsen, Nanna Johansen (born Aronsen) and 6 other siblings.
Leonora married Sten Syrstad.
Sten was born on month day 1895, in birth place.
They had 2 daughters: Ruth Moen (born Syrstad) and one other child.
Leonora passed away.
Documents of Leonora Mathilde Syrstad (born Aronsen)
Leonora Matilde Aronsen in 1900 Norway Census
Leonora Matilde Aronsen was born on month day 1899, in birth place.
Leonora lived in 1900, in address.
Leonore Aronsen in 1910 Norway Census
Leonore Aronsen was born on month day 1899, in birth place.
Leonore had 4 siblings: Nanna Aronsen and 3 other siblings.
Leonore lived in 1910, in address.
Leonore Mathilde Karoline in Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
Leonore Mathilde Karoline Mathias Emilsdatter Aronsen was born on month day 1899.
Leonore was baptized on month day 1899, in baptism place.
Record image of Leonora Olsdatter

Leonora Olsdatter

MyHeritage Family Trees
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Leonora Olsdatter had 7 siblings: Thomas Kornelius Mørk Olsen, Julius Gehard Olsen and 5 other siblings.
Leonora passed away.
Record image of Leonora Salmine Aronsen

Leonora Salmine Aronsen, born 1896

Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
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Hans Ingvald Tobiassen was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
Hans married Leonora Salmine Aronsen on month day 1930, at age 33 in marriage place.
Personal Info
Hans lived in address.
Record image of Leonora Bergitte Aronsen

Leonora Bergitte Aronsen, born 1917

Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
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Hilda Marie Klandine Jens Johansdatter Kristiansen was born on month day 1917.
Hilda was baptized on month day 1917, in baptism place.
Record image of Leonora Bergette Aronsen

Leonora Bergette Aronsen, born 1917

Norway Church Records, 1815-1938
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Hilda Marie Klaudine Jens Johansdatter Kristensen was born on month day 1917.
Hilda was baptized on month day 1917, in baptism place.
Leonora Annette Aronsen was born on month day 1865.
Leonora was baptized on month day 1865, in baptism place.
Personal Info
Leonora lived in 1865, in address.
Record image of Leonora Annette Aronsen

Leonora Annette Aronsen

Norway, Baptisms, 1634-1927
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Leonora Annette Aronsen was baptized on month day 1865, in baptism place.
Record image of Leonora Annette Aronsen

Leonora Annette Aronsen

FamilySearch Family Tree
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Leonora Annette Aronsen was baptized on month day 1865, in baptism place.
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