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Leif Glad-Ørbak was born on month day 1897, in birth place.
Leif was baptized on month day 1898, in baptism place.
Leif had 5 siblings: Olaug Marie Hagen (born Glad Ørbak), Petter Christian Glad and 3 other siblings.
Leif married Kristine Glad-Ørbak (born Ottosen) on month day 1922, at age 24 in marriage place.
Kristine was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
They had 6 children: Odd Eilif Glad Ørbak, Reidun Maria Rasch (born Glad-Ørbak) and 4 other children.
Leif passed away on month day 1990, at age 92 in death place.
He was buried in burial place.
Leif Glad-Ørbak was born on month day 1929.
Leif married Ragnhild Margrethe Glad-Ørbak (born Grønbekk) on month day 1959, at age 29 in marriage place.
Ragnhild was born on month day 1937.
Leif passed away.
Leif Glad-Ørbak was born on month day 1897, in birth place.
Leif had 3 siblings: Petter Christian Glad and 2 other siblings.
Leif married Kristine Glad-Ørbak (born Ottosen).
Kristine was born on month day 1897, in birth place.
They had 3 children: Haavard Vilhelm Glad-Ørbak and 2 other children.
Leif passed away on month day 1990, at age 92 in death place.
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