Discover people named Kustaa Vuorikoski

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Kustaa Vuorikoski was born on month day 1900.
Kustaa married Anna Vuorikoski (born Paananen).
Anna was born on month day 1909.
They had one child.
Kustaa passed away in 1972, at age 71.
kustaa vuorikoski was born in 1880, in birth place.
kustaa married hilja vuorikoski (born järvinen).
hilja was born in 1890, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Aimo Leo johnnes Vuorikoski.
kustaa passed away in 1942, at age 62.
Kustaa Adolf Vuorikoski was born on month day 1896, in birth place.
Kustaa married Hilja Juhontytär Vuorikoski.
Hilja was born on month day 1891, in birth place.
They had one daughter: Aino Järvinen.
Kustaa Johannes Vuorikoski was born on month day 1902, in birth place.
Kustaa had one brother: Kalle Henrik Vuorikoski.
Kustaa passed away on month day 1906, at age 3 in death place.
Gustav Erland, Kustaa Erlanti Vuorikoski was born on month day 1880.
Gustav had 6 siblings: Konstantin Ivar Vuorikoski, Alvina Daavidintytär Rantala Riskusalo (born Vuorikoski) and 4 other siblings.
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